
monarchist n.君主主義者,擁護君主制度者。


A late spasm of royalism hardly explains it , even in britain , for many true british monarchists despised her for cheapening the royal institution by behaving more like a movie star or a pop diva than a princess 最后一次保皇主義的陣痛似乎沒有辦法對這個現象做出解釋,即使在英國,仍然有許多英國君主主義者鄙視她,認為她比較像一個電影明星或是流行歌手,而不是一位王妃。

But the change will never happen under conservative prime minister john howard , 64 , an avowed monarchist many blame for manipulating a 1999 referendum on whether australia should become a republic 但是,在保守的現任總理約翰霍華德制下,這種變化絕不會發生。他現年64歲,是一個鐵桿保皇派。很多人指責他操縱了1999年舉行的澳大利亞是否應該轉為共和制的公投。

Canberra ( reuters ) - it was love at first sight for cecil ballard , australia ' s most ardent monarchist , when he first glimpsed britain ' s queen elizabeth exactly 50 years ago , and he wasn ' t alone 路透社堪培拉消息? ?對澳大利亞最熱情的保皇派塞西爾巴拉德來說,五十年前初遇英國女王伊麗莎白二世時,他就和許多其他人一樣對她一見鐘情。

But they have to deal with the nazi occupation , the ensuing post - war infighting between monarchists and marxists , and a general sense of the dangers of totalitarianism 但他們卻不得不面對納粹的占領,接踵而至的君主主義者與馬克思主義者的混戰,以及普遍存在的極權主義帶來的危險。