
monarch n.1.王,帝王,君主,元首,統治者。2.〔比喻〕(大)...


He was an absolute monarch 他是一位絕對的君主。

A study of monarch shun ' s birthplace 舜帝出生地考

Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch 臣服的臣民被限制向領主或君主臣服和服役的臣民

Grand smooth monarch line ltd 浩航貨柜航運有限公司

Be monarch of all one surveys 處于絕對優勢的主宰地位

How do you explain the monarch butterflies flying back to monarch bay 怎解釋黑脈金斑蝶飛返monarch bay ?

Just look , hes like some monarch “您瞧,他像個沙皇。

What the narrating style of series of kangxi - yongzheng - qianlong monarch implied 乾帝王系列的敘事方式后面

Transformation of feature of monarch - subject relationship in qin - han period 秦漢時期君臣關系性格的演化

On the monarch of zhi gancao decoction 淺析炙甘草湯之君藥

They attempted to overthrow the monarch 他們企圖推翻國王。

Monarch ' s awarding vehicles and clothes revealed in pre qin literature 先秦文學所展現的君臣車服之賜

On the view on monarch and subject by han fei 論韓非的君臣觀

That ' s when he played for the monarchs 那是他替國王隊效力的時候

I never heard of a subject choosing it ' s own monarch klm hyo - jin 從來沒有國王被人民推選的先例

The monstrous monarch monopolied monarchy 可怕的君主壟斷了君主國

The monstrous monarch monopolized monarchy 可怕的君主壟斷了君主國

The monarch is supposed to attend the funeral 國王應該是會參加葬禮。

Brunei media , for the monarch and islamic 浸透著伊斯蘭文化傳統的文萊媒介