
monaco n.1.摩納哥〔歐洲〕。2.摩納哥〔摩納哥首都〕。


Despite his initial surprise at the deal , there are certainly no complaints from the former monaco hitman 盡管最初吃驚,但這位前摩納哥前鋒對如此強援求之不得。

Monaco , a blonde , hopes to leverage her new role to boost her modeling and acting career 金發碧眼的莫納科希望成為“花花女郎”能拓展自己在模特界和影壇的事業。

David , you suggested that monaco was a one - off in terms of result . is that the way you judged it 問:大衛,你提出摩納哥只是一次性的成績,那是你對它的判斷嗎?

A smaller size model can be found in a private collection at palm beach , monaco and beijing 此件雕塑的小模型曾被美國,摩納哥和北京的私人收藏家所收藏。

Climatological information for belgium , france , luxembourg , monaco , netherlands and switzerland 法國、荷蘭、比利時、瑞士、摩納哥及盧森堡各地氣候資料

But the former monaco man has insisted he has other thoughts on his mind at this moment in time 但是這名前摩納哥球員強調,在這個時候,他還有其他的想法

Climatological information for belgium , france , luxembourg , monaco , netherlands and switzerland 法國荷蘭比利時瑞士摩納哥及盧森堡各地氣候資料

Schumacher visited the spanish and monaco grand prix so far as the italian team ' s advisor 在過去幾站中,舒馬赫到訪了西班牙站和摩納哥站比賽。

Rb : monaco was a tough weekend for us despite my fourth place finish 巴里切羅:盡管我獲得了第四名,但摩納哥對我們來說仍是一個艱苦的周末。

Moves to mclaren . finishes second in monaco and seventh in the drivers ' championship 轉投邁凱輪車隊,在摩納哥取得亞軍。車手總排名第七。

A brand new design for monaco , with completely different main profile and flaps 一個嶄新的設計,完全不同于以往主體結構或是襟翼的外觀。

Has the monaco breakthrough changed your expectations for the races to come 問:摩納哥的突破是否會改變你在接下來幾場比賽中的期望值?

Monaco is just a distant memory . now everything is charged for canada 摩納哥站已然成了遙遠的記憶,眼下的一切都為加拿大站而蓄勢待發。

But monaco , to the second stops , fernando wasn ' t that strong before his stop 但摩納哥,兩次停站,費爾南多在停站之前并不是那么強勁。

Real madrid are apparently considering a bid for monaco centre - back rafa marquez 皇馬正在考慮是否求購摩納哥隊的中后衛拉佛.馬克斯。

Circuit de monaco 摩納哥賽道

Prost , monaco gp 保魯斯,摩納哥站

Mclaren will not be one minute ahead of us , like they were in monaco 邁凱輪不會再有如摩納哥站那樣比我們快一分鐘的可能。

Barcelona risk missing out on as monaco youngster serge gakpe 巴塞羅納正冒著失去摩納哥的年輕球員塞爾吉?加克佩的危險