
mona n.莫娜〔女子名〕。

mona lisa

Ms . mona fong 方逸華女士

A laser scanner takes measurements of the mona lisa in this undated handout photo 激光掃描儀被用于這張位表明日期的蒙娜麗莎照片。

Mona lisa smile 蒙羅麗莎的微笑

Female artist mona 女藝人孟楠

Ciao , mona lisa 回見,蒙娜麗莎

The three thieves plotted how they were going to steal the painting of mona lisa 這3個小偷密謀怎么樣能盜取《蒙娜麗莎》的畫像。

The three thieves plotted how they were going to steal the painting of mona lisa 這三個小偷密謀如何能盜取《蒙娜麗莎》的畫像。

Run run shaw and mona fong founded film power co ltd . inaugural film 邵逸夫與方逸華成立電影動力有限公司,創業作為絕色神偷。

Artist name : mona , 藝人名稱:孟楠

The mona lisa now has its own wall ; next year it will get its own room 蒙娜麗莎現在有自己的專門展區;明年將會給它專門的展廳。

That ' s the mona lisa 那是蒙娜麗莎

It is said that the mona lisa is in fact a portrait of the artist ' s mother 據說蒙娜?麗莎這幅作品實際上是畫家母親的肖像。

He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the mona lisa 他那幅蒙娜?麗莎的摹本表現了自己的藝術才能。

It ' s all very well if mona comes with us , but how will she get back home 如果莫娜跟我們一起來好倒是好,可她怎么回家呢?

And as for the mona lisa 至于蒙娜麗莎

And as for the mona lisa . . 至于蒙娜麗莎

Doctor kenith kill , the british physician believes mona lisa is pregnant 英國醫生肯尼思?基友博士相信蒙娜麗莎懷孕了。

Mona : starlight shopping centre please . it ' s left at the traffic lights 蒙納:請去星光購物中心,它在交通燈的左邊。

Drunken hussies 3 , backdoor patrol 5 and mona lisa smile . thank you 醉女人3 ,后門探索5 ,蒙娜麗莎的微笑,謝謝您!