
momus n.【希臘神話】莫墨斯〔嘲弄之神;愛挑錯兒的人〕。 a ...


Will government provide the exhibition content of the museum of the moving image ( momi ) , given that the story lines as stated in the ifp cd - rom - item 5 momi appendix 3 - may involve complicated copy - right issues 發展建議邀請書內附光碟所述的電影博物館展覽內容(附錄3第5項的電影博物館) ,或會涉及復雜的版權問題,考慮到這點,政府會否為電影博物館提供覽品?

A son of momus 滑稽的人

A daughter of momus 滑稽的人

A disciple of momus 愛嘲弄的人

At the concert, though mr. momus sang his most stunning comic songs, and asked his most astonishing riddles, never did a kind smile come to visit foker's lips . 在音樂會上,雖然莫默斯先生唱的是最有趣的詼諧歌曲,給人猜的是最驚奇的謎語,福克的嘴唇上還是沒有露出一絲笑容。