
momentum n.(pl. momentums, -ta ) 【物理學...


Once he had leaped the psychological hurdle toward decision the momentum of preparation took over . 一旦當他逾越了心理上的障礙而做出決定時,準備的勢頭就開始了。

Longitudinally polarized electrons are the electrons with spin and momentum pointing in the same direction . 縱向極化電子,就是自旋和動量方向相同的電子。

This can be determined, however, from momentum considerations, as will be explained in the next chapter . 但是,這可以由動量關系來確定,將于下一章介紹。

However, momentum is always conserved in a collision, whether or not the collision is elastic . 然而,不管碰撞是不是彈性的,在碰撞過程中動量總是守恒的。

We are interested in determining the amount of linear momentum delivered to the electron by the field . 我們對確定場傳遞給電子的線性動量的大小感興趣。

Radar, light, and other electromagnetic waves transfer momentum and energy through space . 雷達、光和其它形式的電磁波將其動量和能量通過空間輸送出去。

It is traditional to take l2 as the component of angular momentum that will be specified along with l2 . 習慣上取L2做為與L2同時確定的角動量分量。

Here is an example of the usefulness of the concepts of angular impulse and angular momentum . 這有一個例子,可以說明角沖量和角動量概念的用途。

We will later provide further justification of the choice (3. 24) for the momentum operator . 以后將對于選(324)為動量算符提供進一步的論證。

In the case of population growth this momentum can persist for decades after birthrates drop . 人口增長的這種勢頭在出生率下降后還可以持續四年。

If the electron is more localized, it must have a greater amount of momentum and kinetic energy . 一個電子越定域化,它的動量和能量肯定也越大。

During its brief existence, the pion carries momentum from one nucleon to the other . 在它短暫的存在期間內,它將動量從一個核子帶到另一個核子。

Both the momentum and kinetic energy of the first are completely transferred to the second . 第一個物體把它的動量和動能全部傳遞給第二個物體。

Hence a full subshell has zero angular momentum and is spherically symmetric . 于是,一個已經填滿的支殼層的角動量為零,并且是球面對稱的。

As a whole, the beam will therefore impart no total angular momentum to a target . 因此,整個說來,這種光束將不傳給靶任何總的角動量。

The worldwide loss of momentum in improving living conditions is not encouraging . 全世界已經喪失了改善生活的動力,確實是令人沮喪的。

The larger the mass m, the smaller the kinetic energy associated with a given momentum . 質量M愈大,則與給定動量相關聯的動能就愈小。

The uncertainty of the momentum and the uncertainty of the position are complementary . 動量的不確定性與位置的不確定性是并協的。

In chap. 6 we shall generalize the discussion and take up angular momentum . 在第六章中我們將推廣這一討論,而且還將考慮角動量。