
momentous adj.重大的,重要的,聲勢浩大的(斗爭)。adv.-l...


Just as an aside , not everyone seems to agree that our purchase of a strategic stake in the bank of shanghai was all that momentous 就像一提,并不是每個人似乎都同意,我們購買了上海銀行戰略利益是一切重大

In the introduction the paper discusses the momentous current significance and far - reaching historical significance of the study 本文在前言中論述了對本課題進行研究的目的及意義,以及主要的研究方法。

So skilled workers development will be of momentous current significance and far - reaching historical significance in chongqing 因此,技能型人才開發也應當是當前重慶市人力資源開發工作的一個重點內容。

The controversy between the two parties of sino - russia , which happened in 1960 ' s , is a momentous political event in 20th century 60年代在中蘇兩黨之間發生的大論戰是二十世紀政治領域里的重大事件。

A revitalised second half display was the outcome . two goals from jt ' s great mate frank lampard sealed a momentous victory 下半場果然不一樣了。特里的親密戰友蘭帕德攻入兩球獲得了王座上最后一顆鉆石。

During that time we have not only managed two momentous changes successfully , but have also created new opportunities for hong kong 過去四年,我們成功面對兩大轉變,也為香港開創了新的機遇。

This subject on the basis of those questions is certainly of momentous current significance and theoretical value 基于這些問題研究的本課題項目,自然具有十分重要的現實意義和理論價值。

On that momentous night when buddha attained enlightenment , it is said that he went through several different stages of awakening 在佛陀證悟之夜,據說他歷經了好幾個不同的覺悟階段。

It is momentous signification to diagnose faults because diesel engines have special use 柴油機作為機械設備領域的一部分,由于其用途的特殊性使得故障診斷的研究更具有重要意義。

So be it . after a dozen of the most momentous seasons in the history of the legendary franchise , it was just time 讓他去吧!在12個執掌洋基傳奇的偉大球季后,該是離開的時候了

Not all who had been at the momentous boardroom session left as speedily as roscoe heyward 在董事會議室參加這次重要會議的人并不都象羅斯科?海沃德那樣一散會就趕緊拔腿溜走。

History bears evidence that each momentous political change is usually followed by an economic revival 歷史證明,在每次重大的政治變革之后隨之而來的往往是經濟上的復興。

Mr verba ' s gentle preamble through leather - bound tradition was leading to something momentous 維巴先生就哈佛藏書所作的溫文爾雅的開場白,將拉開重大事件的帷幕。

According to paleoecologist edward deevey , the past million years show three momentous changes 古生態學家愛德華?狄維認為,在過去100萬年間出現過3次重大的變動。

Three of america china and india are the great countries that have momentous influence on asia - pacific affairs 摘要美中印都是對亞太事務有著重要影響的大國。

The current period represents a momentous turning point in the history of our party and state 目前這個時期是我們黨和我們國家的歷史上的一個重大轉折時期。

Carry through the work of cpu design possess the momentous academic value and realistic value 進行cpu相關的設計研發工作有著重大的學術意義和現實意義。

Basic education is of momentous strategic significance for development of every nation 基礎教育對于我國少數民族農村地區的發展有重要的戰略意義。

Today is a momentous day for china . today is a joyous day for all chinese people 今天,是一個全中國普天同慶的日子,是全球華人舉杯同賀的日子。