
momentary adj.瞬息間的,頃刻的,暫時的;時時刻刻的。 in m...


In a momentary feeling toward her . . 一剎那的感覺

Detail specification for non - sensitive pushbutton switch momentary contact 瞬時接觸式非靈敏按鈕開關的詳細規范

Guide for service to equipment sensitive to momentary voltage disturbances 對瞬時電壓干擾敏感設備的維護指南

We apologize for this momentary delay 所以我們暫時停止通車

A momentary flash of light ; a sparkle 閃光短暫的閃光;閃耀

Please , be seated . there ' ll just be a momentary interlude . thank you 請坐只是暫時的間歇,謝謝

Her feeling of fear was only momentary ; it soon passed 她的恐懼感僅是瞬息間的,很快就消失了。

She hesitated in momentary confusion 她一時思想紊亂,猶豫不定。

Please pardon me , i just had a momentary lapse of good manners 請原諒我,當時我可能有些失禮了

I seek only the most lighthearted and momentary degression 我只尋找那最令人愉快和短暫的下墜感

They can only secure momentary happiness 他們只能獲得暫時的幸福。

The fit is momentary ; upon a thought he will again be well 發作是短暫的;一會兒他就會好的。

2 relay outputs contact support latching or momentary outputs 2個繼電器支援暫態或常態輸出

She hesitated in momentary confusion 她對一時之間的混亂感到猶豫不決。

They are momentary pauses on the path to success 他們只是你通往成功路上的暫時的休止符。

Her feeling of fear was only momentary ; it soon passed 她的恐懼是短暫的,很快就消失了。

He said , “ defeat is a momentary thing . 他說: “失敗是一件暫時的事情。 ”

Orwas that temporary ? maybe even momentary 是暫時的?或者只是一瞬間的?

Whatever is time bound is momentary and has no reality 任何有時限的皆是短暫而不實。