
momentarily adv.一會兒,暫時;時時刻刻;每刻。


The charging of an isolated conducting object by momentarily grounding it while a charged body is nearby 感應通過短暫地磨擦,使一個充電導體附近的獨立導體產生電流

When you press off only momentarily , the clock display does not turn off and this causes battery wear 當只是瞬間按下off按鈕時,時鐘顯示不關閉并會引起電池損耗。

Any condition , our client attendant will liaison with customers momentarily . dont worry (任何狀況,我們的客服人員皆再第一時間聯絡消費者,您無須擔憂任何事情)

He turned towards noirtier ; the pallor and anguish expressed on his countenance momentarily increased 他回過頭去看諾瓦梯埃他臉色蒼白,痛苦的表情與時俱增。

Bilingual interaction with 100 % accuracy can be momentarily available based on icae technology 該平臺基于尖端智能化信息技術,可瞬間實現雙語100 %精確互動。

To pass the hours , you ride momentarily with an elderly sage who shows you an ankh of life 為了打發時間,你和一個中年智者一起騎馬,他給你看了圣十字。

The confucian book the doctrine of the mean states , “ dao cannot be deviated from momentarily 中庸說:道這個東西,不可片刻離開? ,可離開就不是真道了。

Take - off from the landing area ( a 36 “ or 1 meter circle ) to eye - level , hold momentarily 由降落區將直升機垂直起飛至與眼睛同高,靜止停懸幾秒鐘。

You ' ll be surprised at the impact you can have if you ( momentarily ) stop going with the flow 你會很驚訝的發現如果你不隨大流會有不一樣的效果。

The curtains would be tightly drawn , and for us the world outside momentarily stopped turning 窗簾緊閉著,外界對于我們來說,暫時停止了活動。

To dare is to lose one ' s footing momentarily . to not dare is to lose oneself 奮勇向前會讓人暫時失去立足點,但猶豫不前卻會讓人徹底喪失自我。

I stand momentarily numbed by the sight , unable to move , to speak 我站在那里,剎那間仿若為所見的一切失去了知覺,無法移動,無法開口說話。

I was momentarily spooked to find cucumber slices where his eyes should have been 當我發現他的雙眼處是兩片黃瓜片時,著實嚇了一跳。

He shuddered momentarily 他哆嗦了一下

Ready for you momentarily 拿來給你們看得

Take - off from the landing area to eye - level , hold momentarily 由降落區將直升機垂直起飛至與眼睛同高,靜止停懸幾秒鐘。

Furthermore , as we will see momentarily , it s acceptable for the body content of the 此外,正如我們馬上可以看到的,

Excuse me momentarily , sir 抱歉離開一下,先生

He released her momentarily - imprisoned waist , and withheld the kiss 他把圍在她腰上的手松開了,也沒有去吻她。