
momental adj.【機械工程】 動量的;力矩的。 a moment...


Through an application of the improved nonlinear vks model based on complex modulus , for the cases of general connections and inter - blade connections for the nonlinear elastomeric lag dampers , the small disturbance momental equation is given 采用基于復模量的非線性vks改進模型,建立葉間粘彈減擺器和普通連接粘彈減擺器的小擾動力矩方程。

Traction roll is made with fire resistant rubber . tractive motor uses electromagnetism adjusting speed , freely adjusting speed continue , reel motor use single shaft , momental motor drives it 牽引電機采用電磁調速電機,無級連續可調,收卷機采用單軸收卷,由力矩電機帶動。

Bill clinton ' s first 100 days will be filledwith momental battles over the budget deficit andhealth care reform 比爾?克林頓上任后的頭100天里將充滿削減預算赤字和推行醫療費用改革的激烈戰斗。