
moment n.1.一轉眼功夫,片刻,瞬息,剎那;時刻。2.時機,機...

moment coefficient

He floundered, and was silent a moment . 他變得語無倫次,沉默了一會兒。

She went to london on the spur of the moment . 她一時興奮就到倫敦去了。

She puffed thoughtfully for a moment . 她若有所思地吐出一股煙霧。

At the moment he felt nothing but irritation . 此刻他只感到滿懷的氣惱。

For a moment i thought of playing truant . 我一時起了逃學的念頭。

Mr. ryder seemed to think for a moment . 萊德先生似乎沉思了片刻。

He stood transfixed for a moment . 有一剎那工夫,他站在那里發呆。

Never for a moment has the fire of war ceased . 戰火一刻也沒有間斷過。

Would you kindly hold this for a moment ? 請您幫著拿一會兒這個東西嗎?

Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment . 請你暫且控制住你的感情。

However her pity might give way for moments . 她的憐憫有時會消失。

The moment was ripe for an invasion . 發動一次入侵的時機已經成熟。

The next moment he started to write violently . 接著他又胡亂地寫起來。

We are waiting for a more prosperous moment . 我們在等待更有利的時刻。

These moments at the window are delicious . 站在窗口的那片刻是快意的。

It has gone away from me for the moment . 我一下子想不起它叫什么。

For a moment he was too dazed to move . 他一時頭昏目眩,動彈不得。

There is no shock, or moment of disturbance . 沒有震驚和片刻紛擾。

I was just a bundle of nerves at the moment . 我當時神經極度緊張。