
mombasa n.1.蒙巴薩島〔肯尼亞〕。2.蒙巴薩〔肯尼亞港市〕。


Tea - brokers in mombasa , kenya ' s second city , whose port serves most of east africa , say that another month of instability could ruin the city ' s regular auction of one the country ' s main exports 東非大多國家的貨物進出口都依賴與肯尼亞第二大城市蒙巴薩,該港市的茶商們說道,經濟的不穩定再持續一個月將勢必會導致茶葉的售價一落千丈? ?而茶葉是肯尼亞的主要出口貨物。

That hope is understandable , comforting - - and false . the killing has continued in bali , jakarta , casablanca , riyadh , mombasa , jerusalem , istanbul , and baghdad 在巴厘、雅加達、卡薩布蘭卡、利雅得、蒙巴薩、耶路撒冷、伊斯坦布爾和巴格達繼續發生謀殺事件。

Looking for degummed sunflower oil for edible purposes in bulk cif mombasa , kenya . would also be interested in refined bleached and deodorized sunflower oil on the same terms 尋找大量食用級去膠向日葵油,同時還對精制漂白膠臭向日葵油感興趣, cif肯尼亞蒙巴薩島。

Maritime stakeholders have warned that shipping lines could impose vessel delay surcharges on the mombasa port , if the congestion crisis is not resolved urgently 港口股東警告稱如果危機不能馬上解決,航運公司將在蒙巴薩港征收貨物滯期費。

The hi - jackers also demanded that the boat ' s mombasa - based agent shipping agency pay 500 , 000 dollars for the release of the ship and crew 綁架者還要求船只駐蒙巴薩島的船運公司支付五十萬美金以贖回船只和船員。

We shall be grateful if you will airmail us your catalogues for full range of the subject goods and price lists on cfrc 5 % mombasa basis 我們剛從中國日報上看到你的名字和地址,并期望與你建立貿易關系。

The killing has continued in bali , jakarta , casablanca , riyadh , mombasa , jerusalem , istanbul , and baghdad 在巴厘、雅加達、卡薩布蘭卡、利雅得、蒙巴薩、耶路撒冷、伊斯坦布爾和巴格達繼續發生謀殺事件。

Some in mombasa say they want to leave kenya for good 一些在蒙巴薩的亞裔講道,他們想要永遠離開肯尼亞。

Mulla , a . “ historical settlement patterns in mombasa . “ 1981 在蒙巴薩(肯亞)的歷史定居模式, 1981

Goods are piling up in the region ' s main port , mombasa 貨物都堆積在這片地區的主要港口蒙巴薩。