
mom n.〔口語〕媽媽(= mamma)。 mom and p...


A mom ' s to - do list never ends 近年流行新派護理,但傳統的母親有時獨愛傳統護理。

His mom played for china national team , as center 他媽媽是中國國家隊的中鋒! !

Amy helps her mom with the housework after school 艾米放學后幫她的媽媽做家務。

I like it when mom reads me a story every night 我好喜歡媽媽每天為我念故事書。

But , mom , the dogs need me now more than ever 但是媽媽,現在是狗最需要我的時候

Let ' s wash your clothes . so mom will never know 趕緊把你褲子洗了,別讓媽媽知道

Gotta say i ' m surprised your mom didn ' t make it 我不得不說,你媽沒來讓我很吃驚

- where ' s mom ? - she ditched us at the studio -媽媽在哪? -她在電視臺跟我們走散了

Can i just go tell my mom to pick them up for me 我能去告訴我媽媽替我接他們么

Your mom and dad and you - you make a good home 你父母和你你們是一個愉快的家庭

And where marissa ' mom and luke got it on Marissa的媽媽和luke也是在那里幽會的?

Hey , man , i just got off the phone with my mom 嘿,哥們我剛剛給我媽媽打完電話

It ' s my mom . right , yeah , she broke our knife 那是媽媽,對,她把我們的刀子弄斷了

My mom and l worked so hard to get ready 我和我母親那么努力的工作就是為了準備

- it ' s mom . how ' d your big job interview go 是媽媽,我想問問你工作面試的怎樣了

It happened when i was in my mom ' s belly 這些是發生在我還在我媽媽肚子里的時候

And when no - one ' s around he wears his mom ' s shoes 沒人在的時候他還穿媽媽的鞋子

My father , he would have never left my mom and me , 我爸爸,他從沒離開我媽媽和我

They ' re not okay . are you eating ? okay , mom - 她們過得不好,你們在吃東西嗎?媽媽-