
molt vi.,vt.,n.= moult.


After molting three times , the zoea enter the mysis stage during which they begin to look more like adult shrimp and swim in a characteristic fashion with head and tail pointed downwards at right angles and occasionally performing a sudden retrograde jumping action . this is known as the inversion state , the fry being suspended upside - down in the upper middle region of the pond water . this is , therefore , also called the “ inverted suspension phase “ 眼幼蟲脫第三次即進入糠蝦期幼蟲期mysis stage ,此期之體形已略成蝦之狀態,且具特有之游泳姿態,即頭部及尾部均向下,成一直角彎曲而時作向后跳躍游動,又因成倒立狀態,懸浮于水中的中上層,又叫倒吊期,此期幼蟲對外界的環境因素,如水溫鹽分等變化,比前兩期來得更具適應力,主要餌料為豐年蝦brine shrimp的幼蟲,但其他大小略同的動物性浮游生物,如橈腳類copepoda輪蟲類rotifera均可。

In the course of selecting oxide additives material in the nickel - ferric spinel based inert anode , both the solubility in the cryolite molted salt of oxide additives and the whole thermodynamics action in electrolyte of oxide additives are discussed in this article , thus to have a comparatively reasonable selection of the nickel - ferric spinel based inert anode material 在選擇鎳鐵尖晶石基惰性陽極材料氧化物添加劑過程中,不僅探討了氧化物添加劑在冰晶石熔鹽中的溶解度,而且還探討了氧化物添加劑在電解液中的整個熱力學行為,從而對鎳鐵尖晶石基惰性陽極材料做出了較為合理的選擇。

The ion exchange quomodo was innovated , and the idea was first brought forward that the ion exchange reaction were occurred after the precursors were pretreated . the ion exchange reaction in molt salt was further studied 本論文對離子交換反應的方式進行了創新,首次提出先將前驅體進行預處理再離子交換的思想,并對熔融鹽介質中進行的離子交換反應做了深入研究。

At 27 - 29 , the process needs about 50 hours . at 21 - 22 degrees the process needs approximately 110 hours . after molting for the sixth time , the larva enters the zoea stage 無節幼蟲蟲隨著脫皮體形漸大,共有六期,第一期到第六期所需時間依水溫高低有所不同,通常在27 29之下約50小時, 21 22之下則約需110小時,于第六次脫皮后即進入眼幼蟲期zoea stage 。

Cries of “ oh , oh ! “ were already rising in the pit and the cheap places . there was a sound of whistling , too , when a voice in the stalls , suggestive of a molting cockerel , cried out with great conviction 后座和廉價座里發出“喲,喲”的叫聲,還有人吹起口哨,這時候,前座里響起了一個少年發育期變嗓的聲音,一本正經地嚷道: “太棒了! ”

Vitamin c deficiencies in shrimp will result in , decreased frequency of molting , prolongation of the molting cycle , softening of the shell , and high mortality 缺乏時,會發生黑斑病及黑死病,且脫殼頻率降低脫殼周期延長蝦殼變軟死亡率高。

A temporary hex to change someone into a giant canary . after a few moments , the transfigured person molts back into themselves 一種暫時將某人變成巨型金絲雀的咒語。過一會兒,被變形的人就會漸漸褪去羽毛恢復原形。

The transferring in unmated female may not spawning normally , but ovary development is accelerated and also molt 未交配雌青蟹精英的人工移植沒有正常產卵,但性腺得以促進發育,并能進行正常的生殖脫皮。

The newly molted 5th instar larva of silkworm bombyx mori was infected with the recombinant virus 另外,通過共轉染和篩選純化獲得了攜帶appa基因的重組家蠶桿狀病毒。

Each year , molting or dead crustaceans , fungi , and insects shed billions of metric tons of chitin 每年,蛻皮或死亡甲殼動物、真菌和昆蟲產生數十億頓甲殼素。

Larvae treated with the chemical fail to molt successfully and simply die during the pupal stage 施放該種化學物后,幼蟲因無法蛻皮而在成蛹期死去。

A poor water quality b unbalanced nutrition c lack of feed d shrimp being preyed upon while molting B營養不平衡c飼料不足d蝦脫殼被殘食

Provides a dramatic improvement in rebuilding and strengthening feathers after molting 強化骨質,美化羽毛,安神定驚,展現犀利的眼神

Effect of dimethyl - - propiothetin on growth , molting and osmoregulation of litopenaeus vannamei juveniles 蛻殼和滲透調節的影響

Study and application of gob - side entry retaining uisng molt supporting in coal shaft 大采高錨索巷旁加強支護沿空留巷技術

During this single day , they molt twice , mate , and lay eggs in water 在這一天中它要蛻兩次皮,交配,在水中產卵。

During this single day they molt twice mate and lay eggs in water 在這一天中它要蛻兩次皮,交配,在水中產卵。

Cause lower growth and survival rates and a longer molting period 缺乏時會造成長和存活率降低脫殼期間變長。

The function and application study of molting nutriment for shrimp and crab 蝦蟹蛻皮營養素的功能與應用研究