
molotov V.M. 莫洛托夫〔1890-1986,蘇聯外交家和政治...

molotov bread basket

In this sense , the molotov - ribbentrop pact was in no way different to the idea of the munich agreements . both of them alienated objective allies in the fight against nazism and evoked reciprocal mistrust and suspicion 確保這一機制順利運轉的主要發動機是俄中兩國政府首腦定期會晤籌備委員會,俄羅斯政府副總理赫里斯堅科和中國國務院副總理吳儀擔任該委員會的負責人。

Four from each country sat at the table . harriman sat at roosevelt ' s right , i at roosevelt ' s left , and hopkins next to me . with stalin were voroshilov , molotov , and pavlov 會議桌上各國代表均四人。羅斯福的右邊是哈里曼,左邊是我,我旁邊是霍普金斯。斯大林旁邊是伏羅希洛夫、莫洛托夫和巴甫洛夫。

1939 nazi - soviet pact was signed by soviet foreign minister molotov and foreign minister of nazi germany ribbentrop in moscow 蘇聯外交部長莫洛托夫和納粹德國外交部長里賓特洛甫在莫斯科簽署德蘇條約。

Once during the conference marshall held a reception at the u . s . embassy in honor of molotov , the foreign minister of the host country 一天,馬歇爾在美國使館舉行宴會,招待東道國的外長莫洛托夫。

Than with your molotov cocktails 比用炸彈炸還糟糕

He had at first wanted only to make a courtesy call on molotov . 最初,他只想對莫洛托夫進行禮節性的拜訪。