
molokai n.莫洛凱〔美國夏威夷群島中的一島,是麻瘋病人的隔離地〕...


The supreme master ching hai also expressed that she would donate a million dollars to the united states government to help relieving the flood disaster , and the veteran , medical research against aids and cancer , the leprosy hospital on the molokai island , and the homeless in hawaii , etc . the supreme master ching hai had also organized relief to different countries around the world in the past . alone in philippines , she and disciples donated the pinatubo victims about us $ 2 millions ( 2 , 000 , 000 us $ ) 清海無上師解釋這十萬美金是美國同修(多數是以前的悠樂難民)貢獻捐出,陸續還有福爾摩沙同修捐出七萬美元。清海無上師并表示,她也將捐出一百萬美元給美國政府,幫助他們的水災及退伍軍人、醫學研究(對付愛滋病與癌癥) 、摩洛加島的麻瘋病院、夏威夷的流浪漢.

The supreme master ching hai also expressed that she would donate a million dollars to the united states government to help relieving the flood disaster , and the veteran , medical research against aids and cancer , the leprosy hospital on the molokai island , and the homeless in hawaii , etc . the supreme master ching hai had also organized relief to different countries around the world in the past 清海無上師并表示,她也將捐出一百萬美元給美國政府,幫助他們的水災及退伍軍人醫學研究對付愛滋病與癌癥摩洛加島的麻瘋病院夏威夷的流浪漢. .

A number of these projects have influenced the development of the extreme sports milieu . a selection of these influential events includes : the eddie aikau big wave invitational series at waimea bay ; the ground - breaking 1995 quiksilver pro at g - land , indonesia , that put hardcore credibility back into professional surfing events the best surfers in the best waves ; the world amateur surfing championships at newquay england , 1986 ; the quiksilver snowboarding and surfing cup in europe ; the quiksilver roxy pro at sunset beach , north shore , oahu ; the quiksilver winter classic surf snow event ; the quiksilver mavericks big wave event ; the roxy surf jam at hanalei and ventura , the quiksilveredition molokai to oahu paddleboard race 這些具有影響力的活動包括:在waimea灣舉行的eddie aikau big wave邀請賽系列1995年在印度尼西亞g - land舉行的極具震撼性的quiksilver職業賽,它將艱難的比賽環境重新置于職業沖浪活動中在最好的浪上誕生最好的沖浪手1986年在英格蘭newquay舉行的世界業余沖浪錦標賽歐洲的quiksilver滑雪和沖浪杯賽在瓦胡島北岸的日落沙灘舉行的quiksilver roxy職業賽quiksilver冬季古典沖浪滑雪活動quiksilver mavericks big wave比賽在哈納雷hanalei和文托拉ventura進行的roxy surf jam莫洛凱到瓦胡島的quiksilveredition槳葉式沖浪比賽。

Found only on the islands of oahu , molokai , maui , and hawaii , the happy face spider , such as this one guarding its eggs on a leaf in maui , is known for the unique patterns that decorate its pale abdomen 作為一種只能在瓦胡島、莫洛開島、毛伊島和夏威夷島找到的蜘蛛,笑臉蛛- - -比如這只在毛伊島上的某片樹葉上保護她的卵的家伙- - -因其裝飾于蒼白腹部的獨特圖樣而聞名。

Found only on the islands of oahu , molokai , maui , and hawaii , the happy face spider , such as this one guarding its eggs on a leaf in maui , is known for the unique patterns that decorate its pale abdomen 一只笑臉蜘蛛正在毛伊島的一片葉子上守護蛛卵,這種蜘蛛只能在瓦胡,莫洛凱,毛伊和夏威夷等島上發現,因其淺色腹部上有著獨特的花紋而聞名。

With almost half of its population being of native hawaiian ancestry , molokai is an island that has preserved its connection to the past and its love for the outdoors 莫洛凱島有一個外號“友好的島嶼” 。莫洛凱島是夏威夷土著居民占人口比例最多的一個島了。圖為莫洛凱的落日,紫色的夢幻光輝。

The state flag has eight stripes representing the hawaiian archipelago ' s major islands : nihau , kauai , oahu , maui , molokai , lanai , kahoolawe and the big island of hawaii 州旗是八條旗,代表夏威夷群島的主要島嶼:尼華島、考艾島、瓦胡島、毛伊島、莫洛凱島、拉奈島、卡霍奧拉維島以及大島等。

Urban honolulu , the state capital , is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370 , 000 ; the entire island of molokai , a scant 50 miles away , has only 7 , 400 residents 火奴魯魯市作為州的首府,是一個擁有370 , 000人口的國際性大都會,而50英里之外的莫洛凱島僅有7 , 400居民。

However , most people know hawaii only by six of these islands : kauai , oahu , molokai , lanai , maui , and the big island honolulu 但是,大多數人僅僅知道夏威夷的六個島嶼:考艾島、瓦胡島、莫洛凱島、拉奈島、毛伊島以及火奴魯魯島。

I ' m gonna take a molokai on that one 這一桿我本想打到莫洛凱島上去