
moloch n.1.莫洛克神〔古 Phaenicia 人的火神,以兒...


For josef stalin had finally grasped that hitler , with his obsessive cramming of his finest divisions into the moloch - maw of stalingrad , was giving him a glorious opportunity 因為約瑟夫?斯大林終于醒悟過來,希特勒如此瘋狂,不斷把他最精銳的師一個又一個地送進斯大林格勒這個莫洛克神的喉嚨里去,正是送上門來的大好機會。

And you took up the tent of moloch and the star of the god rephan , images which you made to give worship to them : and i will take you away , farther than babylon 你們抬著摩洛的帳幕、和理番神的星就是你們所造為要敬拜的像因此、我要把你們遷到巴比倫外去。

Yea , ye took up the tabernacle of moloch , and the star of your god remphan , figures which ye made to worship them : and i will carry you away beyond babylon 43你們抬著摩洛的帳幕,和理番神的星。就是你們所造為要敬拜的像。因此,我要把你們遷到巴比倫外去。

Moloch required nothing less than the sacrifice of their own children who had to be tossed into his blazing furnaces 摩洛就要求人們至少要犧牲自己的孩子,必須將孩子拋進它熊熊燃燒的火爐里方可。

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your moloch and chiun your images , the star of your god , which ye made to yourselves 26你們抬著為自己所造之摩洛的帳幕,和偶像的龕,并你們的神星。