
mollycoddle n.女人氣的[柔弱的、沒骨氣的]男子;懦夫;嬌生慣養的人...


Time they were stopping up in the city arms pisser burke told me there was an old one there with a cracked loodheramaun of a nephew and bloom trying to get the soft side of her doing the mollycoddle playing bzique to come in for a bit of the wampum in her will and not eating meat of a friday because the old one was always thumping her craw and taking the lout out for a walk 布盧姆指望她在遺囑里贈給自己點兒什么,就試圖使她的心腸軟下來。于是,就對她百般奉承,和顏悅色地陪她玩比克181牌戲。老太婆總是做出一副虔誠的樣子,每逢星期五,布盧姆也跟著不吃肉,還帶那個蠢才去散步。

Of course , she did not mind it when arthur would mollycoddle her with the same actions 當然,如果亞瑟把這股無微不至的關心放在她身上,她是不會反對的啦。

The mollycoddle does no interest in everything 那個乏味的家伙幾乎對什么都不感興趣。

He doesn ' t believe that children should be mollycoddled 他認為不應溺愛兒童