
mollusk n.=mollusc.

mollweide projection

In this paper , the nacre of hyriopsis cumingii ( lea ) which is one of the main freshwater pearl - forming mollusk in china is studied emphatically , as compared with the nacre of three species of saltwater pearl - forming mollusks , pinctada martensii ( dunker ) , pinctada maxima ( jameson , and peteria penguin ( roding ) . the basic characteristics of nacreous and prismatic layers are understood by powder x - ray diffraction analysis , trace elements analysis , amino acid composition of protein and differential thermal analysis 本文以我國主要育珠蚌淡水三角帆蚌貝殼珍珠層為重點研究對象,以三種海水育珠貝馬氏珍珠貝、企鵝珍珠貝及大珠母貝貝殼珍珠層為對比研究對象,首先通過粉末x -射線衍射、微量元素分析、蛋白質氨基酸分析及差熱分析對珍珠層及其與之密切共生的棱柱層的基本特征進行了初步研究。

In this article , we review isolation methods , developmental status and genetic characteristics of microsatellites , and their applications in studies on population study , pedigree analysis , assessment of genetic diversity , and construction of genetic maps in the marine mollusks , and analyzed the causes resulting to null allele , stutter bands , short allele dominance and allelic dropout , and their effects on genotyping of microsatellite 本文對海洋貝類微衛星分離方法、開發現狀、遺傳學特性以及在種群遺傳、家系分析、遺傳多樣性評價等方面的最新研究進展進行了綜述,并分析了微衛星分析中無效等位基因、 “結巴”帶、短等位基因顯性和等位基因“擴增丟失”現象的產生原因以及對微衛星基因型判讀帶來的影響。

Nautiluses getting their name from their parrot head - liked appearances , which are extremely beautiful . are the most “ stubborn “ mollusk . after 450 million years of changing , they still live in blue water “ as beautiful as ever “ and are one of the most rare and precious “ living fossils “ in the world 鸚鵡螺,因酷似鸚鵡頭形而得名,外表美麗異常,是地球上最“頑固”的軟體動物,經過了4 . 5億年的滄海桑田后,依然“容顏未改”地在深海生存著,是極名貴的“活化石” 。

They form inside shellfish when an irritant such as a grain of sand enters the mollusk s shell . with natural pearls this happens as a natural occurence . on the other hand , cultured pearls are seeded with the irritant which is implanted by man inside the oyster or mussel 它的圓潤純凈碩大與生俱來的自然美和令人眩目的銀白色光澤,表現出無可比擬的高雅和浪漫,使其成為世界上最受歡迎的珍珠之一。

American world war two veterans and normandy villagers have joined forces as they did on june 6 , 1944 ? ? only this time the enemy is not the nazi occupier but a bivalve mollusk best cooed in wine and served with fries 美國二戰老兵和法國諾曼底地區的居民在“諾曼底登陸”后的58年再次聯手“戰斗” ? ?在同一個月,同一地點? ?只是他們這次想要趕走的不是德國納粹而是貽貝!

In many places , restocking of fish , crustacean ( mainly prawn and crab ) , mollusk ( e . g . abalone and clam ) and echinoderm ( sea urchin ) to augment depleted marine resources has been commonly practiced 為了增加已下降的海洋資源,在很多地方早已廣泛進行幼苗放養計劃,當中包括魚類、甲殼類(主要是蝦及蟹類) 、軟體類(例如:鮑魚和蜆)和棘皮類(海膽) 。

Nacre is one of the general construction units of mollusk shells , thoroughly studying on it can provide insight not only into the pearl - culture , but also into fabrication of advanced organic - inorganic composite materials 珍珠層是軟體動物硬殼中普遍發育的一種結構單元,對其進行深入研究可為人工培育珍珠及制造現代有機-無機復合材料提供科學依據。

Based on the study of bio - accumulation of heavy metals in water environment , the paper summarizes the accumulation rule and research status of heavy metals in aquatic organisms ( including fish , mollusk and shellfish ) 摘要本文綜述了水環境中重金屬在水生生物體內(包括魚類的鰓、軟體動物及貝類的腎、肝和肌肉等組織器官)蓄積研究現狀及蓄積規律。

Pearl color can vary in shades of white , brown , silver , cream , black or pink depending on the type of mollusk and the water where the mollusk lived . natural pearls are very rare and quite expensive 更值得一提的是,澳洲南洋珍珠的美麗光澤是天然的,不必象其它珍珠那樣依賴于漂白染色的人為加工,所以也沒有因漂白劑變質而“人老珠黃”之虞。

A smooth , lustrous , variously colored deposit , chiefly calcium carbonate , formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem 珍珠在幾種軟體動物的貝殼中,圍繞著一粒沙子或其他外來物質形成的一種光滑、有色澤、具有不同顏色且主要是碳酸鈣的沉積物,被珍視為寶石

Despite its fearsome appearance and 8 - inch ( 20 - centimeter ) claws , it wasn ' t necessarily a meat - chasing predator . experts suggest mollusks , seeds , and dinosaur eggs as possible alternatives for its menu 有著恐怖的外表和八英寸(二十厘米)長的爪子,卻不是肉食恐龍,專家們認為軟體動物,種子和恐龍蛋可能是它的主食

The pearl begins when the mollusk secretes a lustrous substance , called nacre , that coats the irritant and protects the soft internal surface of the mollusk 得天獨厚的自然條件,配合來自珍珠養殖業的翹楚日本的高超技術,是澳洲南洋珍珠高品質的保證。

They can be found anywhere mollusks are found but most gem quality pearls are harvested in ceylon , scotland , norway , and the persian gulf 珍珠母貝是雌雄同體的,這意味著它們可以在需要的時候改變性別,白蝶貝可以是6至8年的雄性,然后變為雌性。

A lid or flap covering an aperture , such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks 鰓蓋覆蓋在一孔或縫隙上的蓋,如一些魚類的鰓或覆蓋在蛇或其它軟體動物身上的角質殼

Live bivalve mollusks should be washed free of mud with clean water before being kept in the storage tank 應用清水徹底洗凈及除去活生雙殼軟體動物的泥,才放入魚缸。

Mother of pearl is the iridescent substance lines the shells of some fresh - water and some salt - water mollusks 珍珠母是珍珠貝殼內的一層珍珠質,通常用來制作裝飾品。

Learn about collecting mollusks and shells with jokes , games , facts , and activities -提供故事歷史年表地圖人物介紹相關詩詞與文學郵票三十六計簡介。

The pteranodon ate meat . they ate fish , mollusks , crabs , insects and dead animals 無齒翼龍是肉食動物。它們吃魚,軟體動物,螃蟹,昆蟲,和動物死尸。

Commonly found inhabitants include bacteria , fungi , mollusks , and insect larvae 通常在深海發現的棲息生物包括細菌、真菌、軟體動物以及昆蟲幼蟲。