
molluscan adj.軟體動物(門)的。n.軟體動物。


The deposits from bottom to top are the xiadian formation , zhaili formation , tongxian formation , xiaojiahe formation , yingezhuang formation and liubintun formation . the present paper deals with the quaternary molluscan fossils from the beijing plain 自下而上的巖性組分別是:夏墊組、翟里組、通縣組、肖家河組、尹各莊組、劉斌屯組。

The koobi fora deposits , rich in mammalian , molluscan and other fossil remains , have contributed more to the understanding of paleo - environments than any other site on the continent 在圖爾卡納湖畔發現的庫比?福勒化石遺跡中發掘出了許多哺乳動物、軟體動物和其他動物的化石,它對于研究理解古代自然環境所作的貢獻是非洲任何其他地方無法比擬的。