
mollusca n.〔 pl.〕【動物;動物學】軟體動物(門)。


Using the calculation method of the tolerance value provided by lenat ( 1993 ) , eighty - one tolerance values of macro - invertebrate taxa were acquired . among them , two genera in 2 families in coleoptera , 2 genera inl family in megaloptera , 14 genera in 7 families in ephemeroptera , 2 genera in 2 families in plecoptera , 6 genera in 5 familes in trichoptera , 1 geneus and 3 families in odonata , 12 genera and 3 sub - families in 3 families in diptera , 5 species in 2 genera in mollusca , 4 species in 1 genus in annipula and others 1 geneus 其中,依據lenat計算耐污值的方法,確定了81個分類單元的耐污值,包括鞘翅目3科2屬,廣翅目1科2屬,蚌游目7科14屬,精翅目2科2屬,毛翅目6科7屬,靖蜒目3科1屬, t翅目3科3亞科12屬,軟體動物2屬5種,環節動物1屬4種,扁形動物1屬。

The amounts of limnodrilus hoffmeisteri increased gradually from baihe to huacao section , and reached a peak in huacao section ; species from annelida , mollusca were not found in beixinjing and wuninglu sections ; species from oligochaeta were found and had certain numbers in zhejiang road section as the result of the effect of counterflow of the huangpu river 1材料與方法1 1采樣斷面及采樣點在蘇州河上海市區段的上游至下游共設6個采樣斷面,分別是白鶴、黃渡、華槽、北新涇、武寧路和浙江路斷面。每個采樣斷面又分別設3 - 6個采樣點。

Qualitative and quantitative investigation ( visual encounter surveys ) of terrestrial mollusca were carried out in each sampling site of mangshan nature reserve and babaoshan of guangdong . all terrestrial mollusca in each sampling site were collected and identified . a list of the name of the species of terrestrial mollusca , margalef species richness index ( d _ ( ma ) ) , shannon - wiener index ( h “ ) and pielou evenness index ( jsw ) were used to analyze their biodiversity 對各個采集點的陸生貝類不但進行了定性調查,而且進行了定量調查( ves法) ,對調查采集到的陸生貝類物種進行編目,并采用margalef豐富度指數( d _ ( ma ) ) 、 shannon - wiener多樣性指數( h ’ ) 、 pielou的均勻度指數( jsw )對陸生貝類多樣性進行了分析。

These diversity indexes indicate a trend - the more abundant and even the components and more complicated the habitats of the community , the higher value of these diversity indexes whether margalef species richness index ( d _ ( ma ) ) , shannon - wiener index ( h “ ) , or pielou evenness index ( jsw ) were used to analyze the biodiversity of terrestrial mollusca . the change of shannon - wiener ( h “ ) is accordant with species and margalef species richness index ( d _ ( ma ) ) 兩地區陸生貝類多樣性指數h夕與多樣性指數s 、苗劍的變化相一致,且s 、 h夕、或峨的值以莽山的紅旗橋和八寶山的五里坑為最高;陸生貝類均勻度指數( js刃不受豐富度指數影響,但是均勻度指數影響多樣性指數h , ,一般來說js ,高, h ,越高,但也有例外情況。

The species are the furthest abundant in mixed forest of evergreen broad leaf and deciduous broad leaf in middle altitude region ( from 500m to 1 , 200m ) in two areas , followed by the mixed forest of coniferous leaf and broad leaf in middle altitude region ( from 1 , 200m to 1 , 600m ) of mangshan and the evergreen broad leaf forest in low altitude region ( under 500m ) of babaoshan . the biomass of the mollusca community is much bigger than any other areas and the superior species are quite apparent in low altitude region . the terrestrial mollusca are not discovered in high altitude region ( from 1 , 600 to 1 , 900 ) so far 中海拔區( 500 1 , 200m )的常綠闊葉與落葉闊葉混交林帶陸生貝類物種最為豐富;次豐富的為莽山中海拔區( 1 , 200 1 , 600m )的針闊混交林帶和八寶山低海拔區( 500m以下)的常綠闊葉林帶;低海拔區( 500m以下)的常綠闊葉林帶陸生貝類的種群數量大,優勢種明顯;高海拔區( 1 , 600一1 , 900m )未發現陸生貝類。

A total of 543 species of macrobenthos were collected . the specie - number of polychaeta is 147 species , mollusca 182 species , crustacea 144 species , and echinodermata 70 species . the distribution of species of macrobenthos , their biomass and density , and biodiversity indices were described and discussed 除少數種類待鑒定外,兩次調查共發現四大類群底棲動物543種,其中多毛類39科147種,軟體動物56科182種,甲殼類41科144種,棘皮動物21科70種。

From mangshan nature reserve to babaoshan , the central china species are clearly constantly reducing , but the central china species are clearly constantly increasing . this trend shows that the terrestrial mollusca fauna exists many differences in two areas 從莽山到八寶山,陸生貝類體現出華中區成分明顯在減少,華南區成分明顯在增加的趨勢,這表明南嶺山脈南北兩側陸生貝類區系成分存在較大的差異。

Chlamys farreri , which belongs to mollusca , bivalvia , pterioidae pectinidae , are widely distributed on the china from donghai sea to bohai sea , korea and japan . this species has been the main aquacultrue shellfish for many years in northchina 利用同工酶技術,對中國櫛孔扇貝和日本櫛孔扇貝的遺傳差異進行了比較分析,并對它們的正反交后代的酶表型及遺傳型進行了分析,探討了亞種間雜交的機制。

The individual number of terrestrial mollusca is continuously reducing with the rise of altitudes in mangshan nature reserve , but it sems no apparent change in babaoshan area 莽山自然保護區陸生貝類的個體數量隨著海拔高度的增加而減少,八寶山陸生貝類的個體數量隨海拔高度的變化表現不出明顯的變化規律。

There were more abundant species of terrestrial mollusca community in the limestone areas where was abundant in calcium 石灰巖地區由于含有豐富的鈣質,陸生貝類具有更豐富的種類和數量,這是由于貝類的生長發育需要大量的鈣所致。

The composition of terrestrial mollusca is different except for 10 species 14 genera and 9 families are the same between two areas 兩地區陸生貝類除9個科、 14個屬、 10個種相同外,種類組成存在很大差異。

However , there are no investigation and research on terrestrial mollusca in two areas so far 迄今為止,還沒有人對兩地區的陸生貝類進行過調查研究。

Recent progresses of study on sperm structure of mollusca and its application in taxonomy 軟體動物精子的超微結構及其分類學意義

Species diversity of mollusca in the hengyang reaches of xiang river 湘江衡陽段軟體動物的多樣性調查

Rule of inspection of live mollusca for export 出口活貝類檢驗規程

Studies on the bivalvia mollusca of the vietnam coast 越南沿海的雙殼綱軟體動物