
mollusc n.【動物;動物學】軟體動物。


The ratio of cell body region was highest in mollusc , cellana toreuma 26 . 18 % , neverita didyma 28 . 13 % , mactra chinensis 27 . 53 % . this may be the express in nervous system of mollusc with passive defense strategy , low motor ability and lack of developed sense organ , in environmental adaptation . the ratio of cell body region was lowest in crustacean , squilla oratorio 11 . 43 % , gaetice depressus 15 . 53 % 結果發現,軟體動物神經元占神經節體積的比例最高(嫁(蟲戚) 、扁玉螺、中國蛤蜊分別為26 . 18 , 28 . 13 , 27 . 53 ) ,而且其比例要大于其他無脊椎動物,這可能正是軟體動物在適應環境過程中的被動防御策略導致運動能力低下、特殊感官欠發達的身體結構模式在神經系統結構上的一種表現。

Long before human settlers arrived in hong kong , the region s marine waters supported a huge range of sub - tropical aquatic life . in the clearer oceanic waters of the east , sponges , corals and sea grasses thrived , along with numerous species of crustaceans , molluscs and fish . meanwhile , the western waters became home of the famous chinese white dolphins and porpoises 早在人類到來之前,香港的海域已有豐饒的亞熱帶水生物棲息,東面清澈的海水中有許多種海綿珊瑚和海草繁衍,甲殼類軟體動物和魚類更不計其數,西北部海域則是中華白海豚和河豚的棲息地。

The recent progresses of the marine mollusc from the isolation , purification , structure characterization to synthesis of portion lamellarins and analogous alkaloids have been reviewed together with a brief introduction of their biological activity 摘要綜述了海洋軟體動物活性物質片螺素及其類生物堿的提取、分離、結構確定以及合成路線的研究進展,并簡要介紹了該類物質的生物活性。

The natural history of many common shore animals , particularly the more sedentary molluscs and crustacea of rocky shores and mangroves has been studied , but broad gaps remain in the knowledge of local marine fauna 很多常見的近岸動物,特別是附在多石海岸及紅樹林的軟體動物及貝介類,其博物學早已受廣泛研究,但有關本地海洋動物的知識,多處仍鮮為人知。

His proposals include introducing molluscs into the city ' s waterways as natural bio - filters , adding bicycle lanes and hastening the cleaning and rezoning of 7 , 600 acres ( 3 , 100 hectares ) of contaminated land 他的建議包括在城市的水道中引入軟體動物作為自然生物過濾器,在道路上增加自行車道,并加速清理并重新規劃7600英畝( 3100公頃)被污染的土地。

These processes involve the activation or suppression of a protein , creb , which is key to the formation of long - term memory , and found in species ranging from molluscs and flies to rats and man 這種分子作用機制就是激活或抑制一種被稱之為creb的蛋白質,它對于形成長期記憶至關重要,并且在從軟體動物和蒼蠅,到老鼠和人類等許多物種中都存在。

Streams , rivers , wetlands and lakes are home for insects , crustaceans , molluscs , and arachnids . this illustrated fact sheet explains their role in the food chain , and how they are affected by chemical and physical conditions -介紹彰化社頭鄉的河流八堡圳的源頭八堡圳傳奇八堡圳的分流鴻門圳草仔雅埤員林大排水溝與河流污染。

Marine fish , including edible crustaceans , molluscs and other similar edible products derived from the sea , arriving in hong kong direct from fishing grounds on fishing craft registered or licensed in hong kong 本港注冊或領牌的漁船直接從捕漁處運到本港的咸水魚,包括可供食用的甲殼類動物、軟體動物及其他同類海產食品;

Beside having similar properties to mollusc shell nuclei , the new pearl nuclei possess some advantages such as white color , strong luster , round shape and cheap cost 這種珠核物化性質與現有貝、蚌殼珠核相近,具有顏色白、光澤強、外形圓和價格低廉等特點。

Fully preserved including canned and fermented fish and fish products , including molluscs , crustaceans and echinoderms l . n . 189 of 2005 經完全防腐處理的包括已制成罐頭的及發酵的魚及魚產品,包括軟體類動物甲殼類動物及棘皮動物2005年第189號法律公告

Bivalves include all dorsoventrally compressed mollusc species ; they typically have two - part shells dorsally hinged by strong muscles and ligaments 雙殼貝包含所有背腹扁平的軟體動物,其特徵包括:具有雙殼,在背部有強韌的肌肉和韌帶連接雙殼

To avoid sampling bias , they restricted their analysis to one group of animals ? the bivalve molluscs ? that fossilise well 為了防止取樣的偏頗,他們將分析的對象限制在一類化石記錄保存完備動物? ?雙殼類軟體動物。

Unlike other molluscs , bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps , which carry food from the gills to the mouth 與其他軟體動物不同的是,雙殼貝缺乏齒舌,具有唇瓣,可將食物由鰓送到口部

Standard guide for conducting static acute toxicity tests starting with embryos of four species of saltwater bivalve molluscs 用四種咸水雙殼類軟體動物幼蟲進行的靜態急性毒力試驗的標準指南

5 meinhardt h , klinger m . a model for pattern formation on shells of molluscs 系統中的所有細胞都會根據它們的分裂率一分為二。

The mollusc phylum includes all soft - bodied animals without backbones 軟體動物門包括所有無脊椎的軟體動物

Fish and crustaceans , molluscs and other acquatic invertebrates 魚類、甲殼類、軟體類及其他水產無脊椎動物

Molluscs , insects and worms are all invertebrates 軟體動物、昆蟲、蠕蟲都是無脊椎動物

In some areas even aragonitic shells of the pelagic molluscs pteropods coat the sea floor . 在有些地區,甚至深海軟體動物翼足類的文石貝殼可鋪滿海底。