
mollify vt.〔罕用語〕使軟化;緩和;減輕;使平靜,平息,撫慰。


Using the method of parabolic regularization , we first study the existence of the optimal control of nondegenerate systems governed by where and jn is mollifying sequence in r . by de giorgi - nash ' s technique , we obtain some uniformly estimates of solutions of regularizing prob - lem , from compactness , we prove the existence of the optimal control of degenerate system by a approximate approach 利用拋物正則化方法,我們首先研究了非退化系統最優控制的存在性,其中而j _ n是r上的軟化子。利用degiorgi - nash技巧,對正則化問題的解可以得到一些一致估計,利用緊性,通過一個逼近過程我們得到了退化系統最優控制的存在性。

Furthermore , on the judicial methods , this article using the traditional roman lawful multi - polarity method , timely draws new social justice belief , answers the changed social ethical inquiries , mollifies the conservativeness and inflexibility of written law , so that the law could accomplish more changes with inherit of tradition , and realize a gradual development 本文認為,從這樣一個更具包容性和開放性的視角出發,能夠為民法維持內在價值體系的完整性和系統性,跨越自治與管制,權利本位與權利的社會化的兩難困境,兼顧法的穩定性與靈活性,提供一種新的思考路徑。

But pearl , not a whit startled at her mother ' s threats , any more than mollified by her entreaties , now suddenly burst into a fit of passion , gesticulating violently , and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions 珠兒剛才對她母親的請求無動于衷,此時對母親的嚇唬也毫不驚惶;卻突然大發脾氣,做出激烈的姿態,把她小小的身軀弄得七扭八歪。

But pearl , not a whit startled at her mother s threats , any more than mollified by her entreaties , now suddenly burst into a fit of passion , gesticulating violently , and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions 珠兒剛才對她母親的請求無動于衷,此時對母親的嚇唬也毫不驚惶卻突然大發脾氣,做出激烈的姿態,把她小小的身軀弄得七扭八歪。

In all , the system can obviously improve the working efficiency , can lower the labor intensity , and at the same time can mollify the mental intense state of the operating workers , thus to improve the through capacities of the station 總之,本系統的使用可明顯提高作業效率,降低勞動強度,同時可緩解作業人員緊張的精神狀態,從而提高車站的通過能力。

Gere ' s comments monday came a day after visiting french president jacques chirac tried to mollify japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi by saying that lifting the arms embargo would not result in an increase in weapons sales to china 就在雞兒發表上述評論的前一天,到訪的法國總理希拉克試圖軟化小泉的立場,他聲稱,解除軍購不會大幅增加對華軍售。

From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it ; but wounds , and bruises , and putrifying sores : they have not been closed , neither bound up , neither mollified with ointment 賽1 : 6從腳掌到頭頂、沒有一處完全的盡是傷口、青腫、與新打的傷痕都沒有收口、沒有纏裹、也沒有用膏滋潤。

We believe that china should begin to take ip seriously not only to mollify foreign critics , like us , but for its own future growth 韋恩表示,中國需要加強對知識產權的認識、保護和執行,不僅為了平息國外的批評,而且有助于今后中國自身的發展。

The fact that he had in a measure mollified carrie was a source of satisfaction to hurstwood , but it furnished only the most temporary relief 赫斯渥對自己能使嘉莉多少平靜了一些感到滿意,但這只是個很短暫的安慰。

“ all right , “ the mollified usurer had replied . “ and i want it on a matter of business before i can let you have any more money “行了, ”放高利貸的人的口氣軟了,說, “我要衣服也是辦事,拿衣服就給你錢。

Not only does this reenforce commendable actions , but it also mollifies the negative feedback which may come later 并不僅僅因為事情本身值得贊揚,同時這樣也能減輕一些以后可能出現的負面反應。

He feared this portent and tried to banish it from his mind , mollify it erase it - but it kept returning 他害怕這個不祥的預兆,想方設法把它從腦子里攆出去,平息它,消除它- -但是它總是返回來。

This information seemed to have a mollifying effect , and the irate young man favored martin with a measuring stare 這番勸告起了緩解的作用,那氣沖沖的年輕人瞪大眼睛打量了馬丁一會兒。

In vain the voice of mr canvasser bloom was heard endeavouring to urge , to mollify , to restrain 只聞兜攬員布盧姆先生竭力勸解之,平息之,抑制之,均屬徒然。

In that case go ahead with the project , she said , mollified by his agreeable manner 在那種情況下繼續執行計劃,她說,她已被他那彬彬有禮的態度所軟化了。

“ that s better , “ was the mollified rejoinder . “ you try to write , but you don t succeed “那還好, ”口氣緩和了些, “你試著寫過,但是沒有成功。

He bought his angry wife a gift , but she refused to be mollified 他買了一件禮物給生氣的妻子,但她不肯就此息怒。

He tried to find ways of mollifying her 他想方設法安慰她

Time has mollified both these tales 時間軟化了雙方的敘述。