
mollifier n.1.安慰者。2.【醫學】緩和劑,鎮靜劑。


We will regularize the equations by the standard mollifier to get the approximate solutions . then by making uniform estimates to the approximate solutions and by passing to the limit , we obtain the local existence for the above problem . then , based on the local existence of the classical solution , we discuss the blow - up criterion 我們主要研究了此方程組古典解的局部存在性,爆破準則以及通過粘性消失方法來研究如上方程組的局部存在性和收斂率問題,主要結論有: ( 1 )解的局部存在性利用光滑子對方程組進行正則化,從而得到原方程組的逼近解。

This thesis is to recommend a important class of regularized strategies for solving inverse problems - mollifier method . it anaysises the consistency , numerical stability and error estimates of mollified solution . similar to tikhonov regularization , a discrepancy principle for selecting the mol - lifier parameter is proven and applications to numerical differentiation and numerical inversion of abel transform and also given 本文將介紹求解反問題的一類重要的正則化策略?緩鎮法,并基于用gauss核構造的緩鎮算子,分析了緩鎮解的相容性、數值穩定性和誤差估計,與tikhonov正則化類似,我們證明了決定緩鎮參數的偏差原理。

Theoretical analysis and numerical testing results indicate that the mollifier method with its flexibility , stability and practicality , provides a new effective tool for numerically solving inverse problems 理論分析和數值試驗結果表明:緩鎮法靈活、穩定、實用,為數值求解反問題,提供了一個新的有效的工具。

Some properties of polynomial mollifier are presented and the conclusion that polynomial can consistently approximate continuous function is proved 給出多項式軟化子的幾個性質,并由此證得用多項式一致逼近連續函數的結論。