
mollie n.莫莉〔女子名,Mary 的昵稱〕。


I don ' t know what got into me to say a thing like that to mollie . i had absolutely no intention of offending her , but it just came out 我不知道是什么支配我要對莫利說那樣的事,我絕對沒有冒犯她的打算,但還是冒犯了她。

Mollie got it into her head that her problems would cease to exist if she went to australia 莫利主觀地認為,如果她去澳洲,她的問題就全解決了。

Mollie in fact was missing 莫麗確實失蹤了。

Mollie : she ' s just got a fantastic job as a top fashion buyer 茉麗:她剛找到一份很好的工作,負責采購高級時裝。

Mollie : more than that ; she looks like the cat that swallowed the canary 茉麗:她不止高興,看來簡直沾沾自喜。

Mollie : i ' ve just seen winnie . she gets all the luck 茉麗:我剛才見到溫妮。她幸運極了。