
moll n.莫爾〔女子名, Mary 的昵稱〕。


Chapter two discusses the primary theoretical background of moll ' s architectural concept . then chapter three relates hi phenomenological theory from three aspects - - phenomena and concepts , enmeshed experience , and limited concept , also tracing here his professional experiences . finally chapter four discusses the embodiment of the concept of place and of the perception of architecture 其中,第二章首先論述了霍爾創作思想形成的主要理論背景;隨后,第三章從現象與思想、糾結的經驗、有限概念三方面闡述了霍爾的現象學創作思想,并對他的建筑創作歷程進行了追述;最后,第四章從場所觀和感知的建筑兩方面討論了霍爾建筑創作思想的具體表現。

Bloom there for a languor he had but was now better , he having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his dame mrs moll with red slippers on in pair of turkey trunks which is thought by those in ken to be for a change and mistress purefoy there , that got in through pleading her belly , and now on the stools , poor body , two days past her term , the midwives sore put to it and can t deliver , she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks they say , but god give her soon issue 今晚彼曾做一奇夢:其妻摩莉足登紅拖鞋,身著土耳其式緊身褲,博聞多識者謂此乃進入一個新階段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待產婦109 ,惜預產期已過二日,仍臥于產褥上,助產士焦急萬分,不見分娩。灌以可充作上好收斂劑之米湯一碗,亦嘔吐之,且呼吸無比困難。

Just as moll “ s say . “ giving responsibility that exchange computering instead of mankind , it is usering that must is it learn interface that computer offered to go decisive , but the computer must satisfy users “ preference 考第爾所說的: “交流的責任被決定性的賦予計算機而不是人類,不是用戶必須去學習計算機提供的界面,而是計算機界面必須滿足用戶的偏愛。 ”

B - movie fanatic quentin tarantino crammed guns , drugs , molls and a killer john travolta into a post - mod molotov cocktail of a plot while slicing the action into shuffled fragments 級片癡昆丁將槍、毒品、情婦和殺手約翰屈伏塔填塞進充滿后現代燃燒彈味的情節里,而又把情節撕碎。

We have already noted moll flanders ' blunt summary of what a woman owes herself and how she can best secure it 我們已經注意到,摩爾?弗蘭德斯直言不諱地概括了一個女人對自己承擔著什么義務,如何最好地達到這一目的。

See you , moll 一會見moll

Night , molls . - bye 摩利,晚安-再見

Moll ' s sister doll is a gangster ' s moll , not a youngster ' s doll 中譯茉兒的妹妹朵兒是某歹徒的姘頭,不是某小伙子的美娃。

Male artist moll , richard 男藝人李察摩爾

Artist name : moll , richard 藝人名稱:李察摩爾

Shaoxing international moll city 紹興國際摩爾城

- the jerk treats me like a child ! - torp has joined up with moll -這個傻子把我當孩子- torp與moll聯合起來了

The jerk treats me like a child ! - torp has joined up with moll 這個傻子把我當孩子- torp與moll聯合起來了

- are you going to sell out now ? - moll , you sound like my grandma -你現在打算背叛嗎- moll你的語氣像我奶奶

Are you going to sell out now ? - moll , you sound like my grandma 你現在打算背叛嗎- moll你的語氣像我奶奶

Forget moll . he thinks he ' s the only honest journalist around here 別理moll ,他以為他是這兒最正直的記者

You ' re paranoid , moll . - reporters rub shoulders with mps 你有妄想癥吧moll -記者與下院議員并肩一起

- you ' re paranoid , moll . - reporters rub shoulders with mps -你有妄想癥吧moll -記者與下院議員并肩一起

But i got moll into it , and he has no scruples at all , 但我把moll也卷進來了他一點兒也沒有猶豫