
molest vt.使煩惱,折磨,欺負,作弄;無故向人攀談,惡意干涉,...


Introduction : in the office when a station clerk ah , typing point will be slightly less color bosses find reasons to molesting 在辦公室當個文員可真不容易啊,打字稍慢一點就會被色老板找到理由來調戲!

Hint : if you kiss him and it feels like your lips have been molested by a giant lemon , he ain ' t the one (提示:如果你吻他的時候,感覺就像被檸檬酸麻了嘴唇,他就肯定不是你的真命天子。 )

In the office when a station clerk ah , typing point will be slightly less color bosses find reasons to molesting 在辦公室當個文員可真不容易啊,打字稍慢一點就會被色老板找到理由來調戲!

His suicide notes mentioned recurring dreams of molesting children , but it is unclear whether he did so 他在自殺遺言中提到自己多次夢見猥褻兒童,不過他到底有無干過這種事尚不清楚。

The king cobra is highly venomous , but it seldom attacks unless it is molested or is defending its nest 過山烏的毒液毒性劇烈,除非受到傷害或許要保護巢穴,否則甚少主動攻擊敵人。

Stiles is accused of molesting a three - year - old girl and recording it on videotape 史提爾斯被控告對一個年僅三歲的幼女進行性侵犯,警方還掌握了其對此過程所攝錄影。

Still he didn t molest her : for which forbearance she might thank his aversion , i suppose 可他還是沒去妨害她我猜想,為了這份寬宏大量,她也許要謝謝他的反感呢。

He was charged at his trial with molesting a young recovering cancer patient at neverland in 2003 自孌童案后,杰克遜頻頻在現身。他不僅在當地購置

Stiles is accused of molesting a three - year - old girl and recording it on videotape 史提爾斯被控告對一個僅三歲的幼女進行性侵犯,并有攝像記錄。

Stiles is accused of molesting a three - year - old girl and recording it on videotape 并被指控調戲一位僅三歲的小女孩,調戲過程被記錄在錄像帶上。

Kuen is good at kung fu , but betrayed by tung . jenny was molested by tiger . . 阿權武功不凡,決定以暴易暴,可是李國楝為求自保,出賣了阿權。

What i need is a husband who will not just stand there while i am being molested 我需要的是一個不會在別人騷擾我的時候無動于衷的丈夫

Stiles is accused of molesting a three - year - old girl and recording it on videotape 斯泰爾斯被控告調戲一名三歲的女童并有錄像帶為證。

The criminal ? ! did he force you to bring him here so he could molest you 那個罪犯? !是不是他強迫你帶他來的,所以他可以騷擾你?

The king exclaimed , “ will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house ? 王說,他竟敢在宮內,在我面前凌辱王后嗎?

Lee molested me 李老師他騷擾我

To molest a woman 騷擾一個女人

I molested little girls 我侵犯了少女

Wow , i was actually molested 我被騷擾了。