
molehill 鼴鼠窩,鼴鼠丘,丘垤 (make a mountain ...


Therefore , we have to examine ourselves every day in order to know what our mind demands . is it really necessary , or is it just a mountain made out of a molehill ? something to consume our time which could otherwise be spent in thinking about what we really need 同樣,我們每天要檢查自己,為了要知道我們頭腦要什么,是真正需要,或是吵我們麻煩我們,為了要把我們的時間消耗掉,讓我們沒時間想我們真正要的東西。

Nor trivial loss , nor trivial gain despise . molehills , if often heap ' d , to moutains rise . weigh every small expence , and nothing waste . farthings long sav ' d , amount to pounds at last 別忽視細微的損失或收益。鼴鼠丘日積月累,終成大山。小小開支細加掂量,毫不浪費。分幣久攢,終成大鈔。

I ' m tired of listening to john make a mountain out of a molehill . he constantly complains about minor things 我受不了約翰小題大作,他不斷抱怨一些不重要的事。

Every weekend i discover about forty new molehills , and no effective remedy to my knowledge 每個周末我發現大約40個新鼴鼠窩和據我所知的沒有有效的治療法。

Andy : the boss is being unreasonable ! he flared up at me , making a mountain out of molehill 安迪:老板太不講理了!一點小事就沖我發火。

Make a mountain out of molehill 小題大作。

Make a mountain out of a molehill 把鼴鼠丘當成大山

In the morning it was just a molehill , now it is a mountain 在早上它還只是一個蟻丘,現在卻是一座高山。

Never make a mountain of a molehill 諺切勿小題大做。

Don ' t make mountains out of molehills 勿把蒼蠅說成大象。

My mountain is higher than your molehill 我的山要比你的丘陵高。

Don ' t make a mountain out of a molehill 勿將鼴鼠丘看作大山;不要小題大做。

Do not make a mountain out of a molehill 不要包鼴鼠丘當作高山. [不要夸大事實

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill . 你不要小題大作了。