
molecule n.【物、化】分子;克分子;〔口語〕微小顆粒。 gram...


The length of the chain molecule is proportional to the kinetic chain length . 鏈分子的長度與動力學鏈長成正比。

No single molecule has the sole prerogative of growth regulation . 沒有一種單個的分子具有調節生長的唯一特權。

The internuclear distances in molecules can be measured in many ways . 分子中的核間距,可以用很多方法測定它。

Hydrocarbons are molecules containing only hydrogen and carbon atoms . 碳氫化合物是只含碳原子和氫原子的分子。

A molecule striking an advancing piston recoils with increased speed . 撞在前進中的活塞上的分子,會加速反跳。

The brain needs some kinds of large molecules for nutrition, however . 但是,腦需要某些種類的大分子做為營養。

The molecules bounce off each other like two colliding billiard balls . 當分子相互彈開時就象兩個碰撞的彈球。

An idealized model of a string is a single long chain of molecules . 繩子的理想模型是一長串單個分子的系列。

The only constraint is the mutual attraction between the molecules . 唯一的約束就是分子之間的相互吸引力。

This bifunctional reagent links protein molecules to one another . 這種雙用試劑把蛋白質分子彼此連接起來。

Above a certain temperature, the enzyme molecule will become unfolded . 超過一定溫度,酶分子將會展開。

The viruses range down in size to the dimensions of large protein molecules . 病毒接近蛋白分子的大小。

It was possible to calculate the weight and dimensions of the molecules . 能夠計算出分子的重量和大小。

Such molecules are known as enantiomorphs or optical isomers . 這種分子被稱為對映結構體或旋光異物體。

The same considerations can be applied to more complex molecules . 同樣的考慮也可用于更復雜的分子。

The same holds true for any molecule with a center of symmetry . 對任何有對稱中心的分子同樣是對的。

As the water boils, the water molecules escape in large numbers . 水沸騰時,有大量水分子逃脫出來。

The molecules comprising this particle are continuously changing . 組成該質點的分子是連續變化的。

The molecules that are acted upon by enzymes are termed substrates . 被酶作用的分子稱為底物。