
molecular adj.分子的,由分子形成的,分子內[間]的。adv.-...

molecular attraction

The precise molecular weight that is measured can be uniquely associated with a specific molecular formula . 測得的準確分子量與具體的分子式完全吻合。

The molecular weight of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms . 一種分子的分子量就是構成它的原子成分之原子量總和。

The energy, dissipated in this way, will finally appear as energy of molecular motion or heat . 以這種方式損失的能量最終表現為分子的動能或熱能。

In most cases, the molecular weights rise to a finite value with time or conversion . 在大多數情況下,分子量隨時間或轉化率升高至一個有限的值。

All the atomic and molecular systems are subject to photoionization and photodissociation . 所有的原子和分子系統都受光致電離和光致離解的影響。

From the molecular formula alone, we can deduce the “degrees of unsaturation“ in the molecule . 僅從分子式,我們就能推斷分子中的“不飽和度”。

Direct measurements of the distribution of molecular speeds have been made by a number of methods . 分子速率的分布可以用幾種方法來直接測定。

On the left of the equation we write the molecular formulas of all the ingredients or reactants . 在反應式的左側我們寫上全部反應物的分子式。

Particulate matter includes particles from molecular size to greater than 10mm in diameter . 微粒物質包括從分子大小到直徑大于10微米的粒子。

the molecular formula of tristearin, a common animal fat, is 丙闡. 有一種普通的動物脂肪--硬脂酸甘油酯分子式為。

For low carrier-gas velocities the hetp may become large owing to molecular diffusion effects . 載氣線速低時,HETP是靠分子擴展影響而變大。

At a high temperature the random molecular motion is more vigorous than at a low temperature . 分子的無規律運動在高溫時比在低溫時更激烈。

An osmotic mutant of neurospora was permeable to polymers of molecular weight 18500 . 脈孢殼屬的滲透突變體能透過分子量為18500的聚合物。

We recounted in detail how dense, cool molecular clouds condense into protostars . 我們十分詳細地討論了濃密的冷分子云如何凝聚成原恒星。

That friction is more likely to be a molecular phenomenon closely associated with adhesion . 摩擦很可能是與粘著力緊緊相連的一種分子。

The most ambitious programs have considered nearly three hundred gaseous molecular species . 最龐大的程序已經考慮了近三百種氣體分子。

Techniques to deal with genes at the molecular level are a most important advance . 在分子水平上對基因操作的技術取得了極重要的進展。

Some of the molecular ions fragment into smaller daughter ions and neutral fragments . 有些分子離子斷裂成為較小的子離子和中性碎片。

This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics, sometimes called the central dogma . 這就是分子遺傳學的基本論點,或稱中心法則。