
mole n.1.【動物;動物學】鼴鼠;田鼠。2.潛伏很深的間諜;...

mole cricket

Oh , do stop being so silly , toad ! ’ cried the mole “噢,請不要犯傻了,蛤蟆! ”鼴鼠大聲喊。

But the subway ' s full of junkies and mole - men 地鐵里全是流浪漢和壞蛋

The girl has a tiny mole on her cheek 這女孩在臉頰上有一顆小小的痣。

The mole on her face marks her off from other girls 她臉上的黑痣使她跟別的姑娘有所區別。

The mole , s , mouse ’ s and moose ’ s math is worse 晏鼠,騾子,老鼠和麋鹿的數學越來越差。

Why , who should interfere with him ? ’ asked the mole “怎么,會有人打攪他嗎? ”鼴鼠問。

The dutch are not the only would - be moles 不僅僅是荷蘭人希望成為鼴鼠。

But who could give trouble ? ’ asked the mole “但誰會給麻煩? ”鼴鼠問。

Mole : hope to get some scores for flute and xiao 魔樂:希望朋友能發點笛和簫的樂譜給我。

What are you doing , ratty ? ’ said the mole “你在做什麼,阿鼠? ”鼴鼠問。

Discussion camus quot; outsider quot; mole significance of rope image 莫爾索形象之意義

What about all the mole people down there 那些人在那里鬼鬼祟祟的干什么?

It ' s on the hard drive inside mole hip borders here 在內部屋脊邊緣的硬盤上

Fuck you , you rat , you mole , you piece of shit 去你的,鼠輩,小人,狗屎蛋

Look ahead , rat ! ’ cried the mole suddenly “當心前面,河鼠! ”鼴鼠忽地驚叫一聲。

Mole excavation works games - 4455 miniclip games 鼴鼠挖掘工小游戲- 4399小游戲

You suspect that one of your team members may be a mole 你懷疑你的組員之一是內鬼

A mole that changes shape , size and colour 胎痣的形狀、大小及顏色出現明顯變化

It ' s some k . ind of a large rat . or a mole or something 像只大老鼠或鼴鼠什么的