
moldy moldy = mouldy.


Advanced water purification uses ozone treatment and bio - activated carbon treatment during the conventional sedimentation and rapid filtration processes . this treatment breaks down trihalomethane , and substances causing a moldy odor 先進的水凈化設備在傳統沉淀和快速的過濾過程中,使用氧氣處理和活性炭處理,這一處理除去了三鹵甲烷等引起發霉味道的物質。

A lot of schools do not have a dining room , the student carries solid food on the back from the home , eat even if a week even half month , the local solid food of southern moisture becomes moldy very easily long hair 許多學校沒有食堂,學生從家里背來干糧,一吃就是一星期甚至半個月,南方潮濕的地方干糧很輕易發霉長毛。

What i learned in that shabby hotel room with the moldy shower curtain and the iron burns on the carpet was that i had what it took to go all the way : pure , unadulterated bullheadedness 在有著發霉浴簾、和地鐵燙斗焦痕的那件破舊旅店房間內,我學到了自己有走完全程所需要的東西:一種純潔、純粹的”蠻勁“ 。

Yellow aspergillus toxin is aspergillus kind the one toxoid that fungus produces , in waiting , the becomes moldy easily earthnut in nature , corn can contain the yellow aspergillus toxin of certain amount 黃曲霉毒素是曲霉類真菌產生的一類毒素,自然界中輕易發霉的花生、玉米等中會含有一定量的黃曲霉毒素。

This bread of ours was hot when we took it for our provisions from our houses on the day we went forth to come to you ; and here it now is : it is dry and has become moldy 12我們出來要往你們這里來的日子,從家里帶出來作食物的這餅還是熱的;看哪,現在都干了,都長了霉。

One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer ' s lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction 過敏性肺炎的一種類型農民肺,由于農民吸入耐熱的放線菌,它由發霉的干草中繁殖生長。

Later , as the temperature rose , the staphylococcus bacteria grew like a lawn , covering the entire plate - except for the area surrounding the moldy contaminant 后來氣溫回升,葡萄球菌長的像一片草皮,覆蓋了整個培養皿尤其發霉處的四周圍。

And old patched sandals on their feet , and old garments upon themselves ; and all the bread of their provisions was dry and had become moldy 5將補過的舊鞋穿在腳上,把舊衣服穿在身上;他們帶著作食物的餅都是干的,都長了霉。

This bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to come to you . but now see how dry and moldy it is 12我們出來要往你們這里來的日子,從家里帶出來的這餅還是熱的。看哪,現在都干了,長了霉了。

The men put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes . all the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy 6他們到吉甲營中見約書亞、對他和以色列人說、我們是從遠方來的現在求你與我們立約。

The men put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes . all the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy 5將補過的舊鞋穿在腳上,把舊衣服穿在身上。他們所帶的餅都是干的,長了霉了。

Italy made a bacteria that the cheese is left on the cheese , and my moldy only is like the moss have a little of water 聽說意大利發了霉的芝士才是上剩的芝士,而我的發霉只是有丁點兒水分的青苔。

Introduction : block desk in a long time , people have moldy spots rafah prophecies exciting outdoor activities it 在辦公桌座的久了,人都要發霉拉來玩點刺激的戶外活動吧。

Block desk in a long time , people have moldy spots rafah prophecies exciting outdoor activities it 在辦公桌座的久了,人都要發霉拉來玩點刺激的戶外活動吧。

People who live in damp , moldy homes may be prone to depression , a new study suggests 一項最新研究顯示,住在潮濕、發霉房子里的人,可能較容易罹患憂郁癥。

Hong kong property prices rising yang 1 , 000 frenzied stew slowly value for beta . moldy plate showing 香港豪宅房價瘋狂上漲楊千?霉盤燉值讓蚍

The goods you shipped us have become moldy on arrival because of heat and sweat during transit 你方發來的貨物因途中受熱受潮運達時已經發霉。

Basic smell of the mankind has 4 kinds , namely flavour of sweet , acerbity , candy and moldy 人類的基本嗅覺有四種,即香、酸、糖味和腐臭。

Corked : distinctive taste or smell in wine resulting from a moldy or tainted cork 瓶塞味:葡萄酒中由于變質受到污染,產生異常的口味。