
moldova n.摩爾多瓦〔歐洲一國家名〕。n.-n ,adj.


Although the place has been under un administration for eight years , russia has argued that a self - declared independent kosovo will prompt other breakaway regions , such as abkhazia in georgia and transdniestria in moldova ( where russia still has some troops ) to follow suit 盡管科索沃在聯合國管轄下已有八年之久,俄羅斯還是認為如果科索沃宣布獨立勢必會促使其他諸如格魯吉亞阿布哈茲地區及摩爾多瓦的德涅斯特河沿岸地區(在該地區俄羅斯還駐扎著一些軍隊)也紛紛效仿。

The iwf ( international weightlifting federation ) announced in a press release that five weightlifters , wafa amomouri of morocco , viktor chislean of moldova , zoltan kecskes of hungary , kumari pratima na of india and sule sahbaz of turkey have tested positive in out - of - competition dope tests 國際舉重聯合會19日中午發表新聞公報說,有5名舉重運動員在賽后興奮劑檢查中出現問題.他們是:阿莫里(摩洛哥) ,奇斯林(摩爾多瓦) ,凱克斯凱斯(匈牙利) ,普拉蒂瑪?納(印度)和蘇勒(土耳其)

The metal laser fuse fill in the application of metal wear , co - mosion , broken , blfida , glass , chromium scar , casting error , pro - cessing ultra poor , leakage repairs ; mechanical parts of the modified surface to be cut moldova , and wear - resisting , cor - rosion resistance , withetand high temperatures and perfor - mance 該金屬激光熔補機適用于各種金屬磨損、腐蝕、斷、裂、劃傷、鉻痕、鑄造缺陷、泄漏的修復;對各種機械零配件表面的改性,使其具有減摩、耐磨、耐腐蝕、耐高溫等性能。

The secretary is supported by two recently appointed ministers of state . geoff hoon was appointed minister for europe on 5 may 2006 and is responsible for europe and the european union , russia , central asia , south caucasus , balkans , ukraine , belarus , moldova , osce , nato , council of europe 杰夫胡恩( geoff hoon )于2006年5月5日被任命為外交與聯邦事務部歐洲事務國務大臣,負責歐洲及歐盟、俄羅斯、中亞、南高加索、巴爾干、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯、摩爾多瓦、 osce (歐洲安全與合作組織) 、 nato (北約) 、歐盟理事會等方面的事務。

Today ' s action sees didier drogba ' s ivory coast host libya , nuno morais and filipe oliveira are in the portugal under 21s squad to face slovakia at home , and steven watt is hoping to make his scotland under 21s debut when scotland host moldova 今天的其它賽事有:迪迪耶-德羅巴的科特迪瓦主場對利比亞,努諾-莫雷斯和菲利浦-奧里維拉隨葡萄牙國青隊主場迎戰斯洛伐克,史蒂芬-瓦特有望在蘇格蘭主場對摩爾多瓦的比賽中獲得國青隊首度亮相機會。

Secretary - general yao haitao talked friendly with the full - fledged members kenuowa , nizhny novgorod governor jane , the republic of moldova president volkov , orenburg state deputy - governor grachev on “ made - in - china enters volga federation district ” 姚秘書長與全權代表科諾瓦落夫、下諾夫哥羅德州簡采夫?瓦列果州長、摩爾多瓦共和國主席沃爾科夫、奧倫堡州副州長格拉喬夫進行友好會談,商洽了“中國制造走進伏爾加聯邦區”的具體事宜。

Participated in or managed world bank research and lending projects in the areas of social security reforms in latvia , lithuania , estonia , moldova , czech republic , macedonia , kazakhstan , mongolia , and some other transition economies in eastern europe and central asia region ( 1997 - 2002 ) 曾參與或管理世界銀行在拉脫維亞、立陶宛、愛沙尼亞、摩爾多瓦、捷克、馬其頓、喀薩克斯坦、蒙古等東歐及中亞轉型經濟國家的研究和投資項目。

Whenever these places seem to look to the west , still more aspire to join such western clubs as nato or the european union , the russians have reacted petulantly , as they did earlier this year by imposing trade embargoes on georgia and moldova 每當這些國家有任何親西方之舉,甚至還熱衷于加入北約或歐盟等西方組織時,俄羅斯人就會悍然行動,像今年早些時候對格魯吉亞及摩爾多瓦實行商業禁運。

Whenever these places seem to look to the west , still more aspire to join such western clubs as nato or the european union , the russians have reacted petulantly , as they did earlier this year by imposing trade embargoes on georgia and moldova 只要這些國家一有投靠西方的舉動,覬覦加入西方俱樂部如北約或歐盟,俄國就會悍然采取行動,就像今年年初對格魯吉亞和摩爾多瓦施加貿易禁運一樣。

The children he has adopted so far come from paraguay , romania , hungary , moldova , russia , ukraine and india . it is not clear how many of them are living in germany . authorities say they cannot act until the law is changed 報道說,哈斯在巴拉圭羅馬尼亞匈牙利摩爾多瓦俄羅斯烏克蘭和印度7國中收養過孩子,但目前尚不清楚究竟有多少孩子居住在德國。

The international weight - lifting federation previsionally suspended all 5 women lifters , the 5 women are morocco , moldova , hungaria , india and turkey . all five have tested positive after out - of - competition tests 國際舉聯已立即對五名選手采取了禁賽處罰,這幾位選手分別摩洛哥、摩爾多瓦、匈牙利、印度和土耳其。她們都是在賽后的藥檢中被檢查出陽性的。

In addition , just three countries - austria , moldova and romania - have ratified the treaty , which cannot enter into force until it is ratified by 10 countries , of which eight must be member states 此外,只有3個國家- -奧地利、摩爾多瓦和羅馬尼亞- -批準了公約,只有當10個國家批準后該公約才能生效,而且其中有8個必須是成員國。

Solskjaer has been named in hareide ' s squad for norway ' s opening euro 2008 qualifying matches . they begin with a trip to hungary next saturday , before entertaining moldova the following wednesday 挪威主教練完全明白索爾是個非常有天賦的隊員并且很有經驗,他還說他已經知道了如何去最好的運用好他。所以我很滿意現在的狀態。

He has received enthusiastic critical acclaim for his performances in germany , switzerland , italy , spain , portugal , moldova , costa rica , mexico , the usa and other countries 他已經在全世界的很多國家演出,如德國、瑞士、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、摩爾多瓦、哥斯達黎加、墨西哥、美國等,他的演出深受觀眾的歡迎。

Already this year , we have completed bilateral negotiations with taiwan and made significant progress on the accessions of albania , armenia , croatia , jordan , lithuania , moldova and oman 我覺得最重要的是,年輕一代應受到良好的教育。我知道,總統先生,您很愛令千金,她現在在史坦福大學讀書。

Except for the three baltic nations , the former soviet union ( russia , ukraine , belarus , the caucasus , moldova and central asia ) is not on the path to integration with the west 除波羅的海三個國家外,前蘇聯(俄羅斯、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯、高加索、摩多瓦和中亞)并沒有走上同西方一體化的道路。

If the biggest ex - soviet country after russia can pull itself out of this crisis , it will be an example for others , including moldova and belarus 如果烏克蘭作為繼俄羅斯之后的最大前蘇聯國家能解決自己所面臨的這場危機,那么她將成為包括摩爾多瓦與白俄羅斯在內的其他國家的一個榜樣。

Haestad ' s next international outings look set to be the euro 2008 qualifiers against hungary on september 2 and against moldova four days later 哈爾斯塔德的下一場國際比賽將是08年歐錦賽資格賽挪威9月2日對陣匈牙利以及四天后對陣摩爾多瓦的比賽。

Abstract : returned from the the moldova wine festival , the author summarized its successful experiences for shanghai ' s wine festival 摘要:介紹了參加摩爾多瓦葡萄酒節的親身感受,其成功經驗對辦好上海的品酒節有不少啟示。