
molder molder = moulder.


Chengdu atmospheric environment geographic information system has been finished with two methods : mapbasic + mapinfo and vb + mapinfo + mapbasic . characters of the system with two methods has been compared . molder base of air quality assessment has been finished and integrated in the system 分別采用集成二次開發方式( vb + mapinfo + mapbasic )和單純二次開發方式( mapbasic + mapinfo )兩種方法建立了成都市大氣環境地理信息系統,并對兩種方法所建立的系統的性能進行了比較。

There are two molders of air quality assessment in the molder base : standard index unit and api . molders of air quality assessment has been finished with mapbasic . table files in chengdu atmospheric environment geographic information system can be used directly 建立了大氣質量評價模型庫,并將其集成到成都市大氣環境地理信息系統中,在該模型庫中,包括我國近十年來常用的標準型指數單元法和目前我國47個重點城市在進行空氣質量日報時采用的api指數法。

With the fixed property at rmb 600 million , a full set of modernized producing equipment , more than 3000 square meters land , 15 professional researching and moldering technicians , and more than 200 workers , cixi weier has begun a pu toy maker in a certain scale . 浙江慈溪威爾塑膠有限公司創建于一九九六年,經過六年的艱苦創業,通過改革和開發拓展,現擁有固定資產600萬元,整套的現代化生產設備。廠房可使用面積3000多平方。

Here and there , wings have gone to dust that 13 ) fluttered so last year , a 14 ) moldering prune , an empty house in which a bird 15 ) resided where last year ' s flies their 16 ) errand ran and last year ' s 17 ) crickets fell 每一處,去年曾經拍打的羽翼都化成了塵土,李子在腐爛,那座房子- -鳥兒曾在里面棲息,去年蒼蠅還在那兒奔忙,蟋蟀還在那兒戲耍- -如今卻已空空。

My life is cold and dark and dreary ; it rains and the wind is never weary ; my though still cling to the moldering past , but the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast , and the days are dark and dreary 我的生活寒冷、陰郁、沉悶;下著雨,風也刮個不停;我的思想還糾纏著消逝的往事,大風里,我的青春希望相繼熄滅,天真是陰暗而沉悶。

The rainy day the day is cold , and dark , and dreary ; it rains , and the wind is never weary ; the vine still clings to the moldering wall , but at every gust the dead leaves fall , and the day is dark and dreary 天冷、陰暗、沉悶;下著雨,風也刮個不停;藤還攀附著頹垣殘壁,每來一陣狂風,枯葉附落紛紛,天真是陰暗而沉悶。

The day is cold , and dark , and dreary ; it rains , and the wind is never weary ; the vine still clings to the moldering wall , but at every gust the dead leaves fall , and the day is dark and dreary 天冷、陰暗、沉悶;下著雨,風也刮個不停;藤還攀附著頹垣殘壁,每來一陣狂風,枯葉附落紛紛,天真是陰暗而沉悶。

In a removed scene by bradbury , he invited guy to his house where he shows him walls of books which he leaves to molder on their shelves 在布來伯利的一個分離的場景中,比提邀請蓋到他家里去,他展示給蓋看一整墻他放在書架上腐朽的書籍。

Tahir r b , molder s and timofeev e v . unsteady starting of high number air inlets - a cfd study [ r ] . aiaa 2003 - 5191 梁德旺,袁化成,張曉嘉.影響高超聲速進氣道起動能力的因素[ c ] / / 2005年沖壓發動機技術交流會論文集, 2005

4 ) molders of air quality assessment has been finished , which is the emphasis and feature of the thesis 該模型庫的建立及所采用的方法是本論文的研究重點,也是本論文的研究特色所在。

It is recognized as one of the leading high - precision plastic injection mold maker and molder in the region 目前,集團擁有240多臺注塑機,具有每年制造1500多套模具的生產能力。

Decay rot putrefy spoil crumble molder disintegrate decompose 這些動詞都表示導致毀滅或分解的逐步變化

The vine still clings to the moldering wall , 藤還攀附著頹垣殘壁,

My though still cling to the moldering past , 我的思想還糾纏著消逝的往事,

This tree, like so many millions of its brethren, lay where it had fallen, and was moldering under the slow but certain influence of the seasons . 這棵樹又象無數同類一樣,倒地之后,久經歲月和風霜雨雪的剝蝕。