
moldavia n.摩爾達維亞〔原蘇聯加盟共和國〕。-n1.adj. 摩...


While in petersburg prince andrey met kutuzov , his old general , who was always friendly to him , and kutuzov proposed that he should accompany him to moldavia , where the old general was being sent to take command of the army 此時安德烈公爵在彼得堡遇見那位對他素有好感的領導庫圖佐夫將軍,庫圖佐夫將軍建議安德烈公爵和他一同前往摩爾達維亞部隊。老將軍已被任命為當地的總司令。

Yes , he went on , i promised , and would have given the emperor alexander moldavia and wallachia , but now he will not possess those fair provinces 是的, ”他繼續道, “我答應過把摩爾達維亞和瓦拉幾亞給亞歷山大皇帝,而現在他再也得不到這些美麗的省分了。

Anatole kuragin had promptly obtained a commission from the minister of war , and had gone to join the army in moldavia 阿納托利隨即從陸軍大臣處獲得委任,遂啟程前往摩爾達維亞部隊。

Yes , i know you have made peace with the turks without gaining moldavia and wallachia “是的,我知道,你們沒得到摩爾達維亞和瓦拉幾亞,就與土耳其締結了和約。