
mold mold = mould.


The secret of preparing mold spray seems to lie in the thorough incorporation of the dilute silicate solution in the granules of cork . 制備脫模劑的關鍵似乎在于稀的硅酸鈉溶液與軟木粉的顆粒徹底混合。

Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun . 用上述配方配制的脫模劑,用噴槍噴涂,其有效期至少可達幾小時。

Maintaining the correct mold temperature becomes more important and may justify mold temperature control equipment . 保持模具有適當溫度,越來越顯得重要,因而配備模具的溫度控制設備是完全合理的。

He spoke hurriedly, as though trying to mold a substance which was warm and pliable, but which might soon cool . 他講話很急促,好象他想要拿一種溫暖柔韌的原料塑造什么東西,又怕原料冷得太快。

Different grades of crystal polystyrene molding pellets range from 150, 000 to 350, 000 weight average molecular weight . 不同牌號的結晶聚苯乙烯模塑粒料平均分子量范圍從150,000-350,000。

In an effort to discover whether the foreign matter was tuberculous he then injected some of the mold into a rabbit . 為了要知道那異物是不是結核性的,他又把霉液在一個兔子身上注射了一些。

They can be divided into two classes, those which are castable and those which must be processed by extrusion or compression molding . 它們可分為兩類:可澆鑄的和必須由擠壓或模壓加工的。

The temperature of the lead should be such that it is just enough to produce satisfactory castings in a heat-stabilized mold . 鉛液的溫度要正好適宜于在熱穩定的模具中鑄出合格鑄件。

On most automotive battery grids, cooling is required in the top gate area and in the center of the mold only . 絕大部分汽車蓄電池板柵尺需要在頂部澆口部分和模具的中心冷卻就可以。

Experience will dictate how to vary the mold spray formula in accordance with casting results but do so very slowly . 根據鑄造效果,可以憑經驗改變脫模劑的配方,但這樣很慢。

Members were recruited at an early age and molded in a way that marked their personalities for life . 成員在很年輕的時候就被招收到企業中去,訓練的方式塑造了他們一生的個性。

Tin is important as it imparts an improved “fluidity“ to the molten alloy and helps in mold filling . 加錫是很重要的,因為它可以改進熔融合金的流動性,從而使其易于注入模具。

Too much water reduces the adhesion and too little piles the material up too thick on the mold surface . 水太多會減少粘附力,加水太少則會使脫模劑在模具表面堆積太厚。

Eight grid molds of the conventional design are mounted, equally spaced along the table top's circular edge . 八個普通結構的板柵模具,沿工作臺頂部周邊間隔相等。

All lead castings were produced at first by hand in many cases from single cavity molds . 起初所有的鉛鑄件都是手工生產的,而且在許多情況下都是使用單腔模具。

Multi-cavity molds are sometimes provided with knock-out pins for easy ejection of the casting from the molds . 多腔模具有時裝有頂釘,以便鑄件易于脫模。

Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, molds and bacteria . 保存得太久的食品會變壞,是因為受到酵母菌,霉菌和細菌的侵襲。

In grid casting operations, mold spray application involves time when no grids are produced . 在板柵鑄造過程中,給模具噴涂也占用時間,其間不生產板柵。

Some molders believe a mold spray is of no value until it has a real vile odor . 一些鑄造工人認為,除非脫模劑發出十分令人作嘔的氣味,不然就毫無價值。