
molasses n.〔pl.〕 〔作單數用〕〔美國〕糖漿,糖蜜。


Flax seed , blackstrap molasses , rice bran , primary dried yeast , freeze dried liver , sunflower seed , dehydrated alfalfa , dried carrot , freeze dried bone , dried fish meal , freeze dried oyster , sprouted green barley , dried kelp , lecithin , garlic and yucc schidigera extract 亞麻仔、赤糖糊、米糠、乾酵母、冷凍乾內臟、向日葵仔、脫水紫花苜蓿、乾胡蘿卜、冷凍乾骨頭、乾魚餐、冷凍乾? 、少量的新葉芽、乾巨藻、卵磷脂、大蒜、絲蘭取萃物。

Foods to limit : sugared drinks such as soda , fruit juice ; sugar , honey , molasses , syrups ; refined white flour products like white bread , pretzels , pizza , bagels , white pasta , most cereals ; starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn ; white rice 少吃:含糖飲料,如汽水、果汁、糖、蜂蜜、糖蜜、糖漿;精制白面制品,包括白面包、椒鹽卷餅、批薩、面包圈,白面食、大部分谷物;淀粉含量高的蔬菜,如土豆、玉米、白大米。

Abstract : this paper summarizes mainly treatment methods of alcohol wastewater on sugarcane molasses domestically and overseas at present . a valid treatment way with low cost and resources reclaiming is given . this way has economic benefits and more social benefits 文摘:本文綜述了目前國內外甘蔗糖蜜酒精廢液的主要治理方法,同時提出了一種有資源回收,成本低,具有經濟效益及較大的社會效益的治理方法。

Methods of utilization for molasses have been introduced in this paper , including simple utilization , such as feedstuff additive and concrete additive , and extraction of available component , for example sucrose , betaine and caramel pigment etc 主要介紹了糖蜜的初級利用,即直接作為飼料添加劑和混凝土外加劑,以及從糖蜜中提取有效成份,如:蔗糖、焦糖色素、甜菜堿以及制備液體糖和紅糖粉的方法。

We understand only 150 have been approved under china s ministry of commerce s molasses - slow company - by - company review process , and thousands more foreign firms are hesitating to submit applications until the process is made more clear and comprehensible 28人民幣的固定匯率政策,使中國及其鄰國經濟面臨種種風險。他說: “現在顯然是中國在這個問題上采取行動的時候了。 ”

Using molasses as raw material , a colorless , clear and transparent , precipitation free , soft sour and good flavor white vinegar was produced with submerged fermentation , and filtration decoloring treatment 摘要以糖蜜為原料,利用液態深層發酵工藝,經過后期過濾脫色處理,可以生產出無色、澄清透明、無沉淀、酸味柔和、風味良好的釀造白醋。

The who advisory body warn that using water pipes to consume the tobacco , which is commonly mixed with molasses and fruit flavors , usually exposes a person to more smoke over a longer period of time than do cigarettes 世界衛生顧問機構警告,吸水煙通常將煙草與糖蜜和水果混合,這比香煙更加容易使人增長吸煙時間,吸入的更多。

“ five pounds of tea at 90 cents ; eleven and a half quarts of molasses at 8 cents a pint ; two eight - pound hams at 21 cents , and five dozen jars of pickled walnuts at 24 cents a jar “九毛錢一磅的茶葉,給我五磅;八分錢一品脫的糖漿要十一夸脫半;二毛一分錢一磅的大火腿要二只,二毛四分錢一罐的腌核桃要五打。 ”

This ultra - premium rum is made in the traditional british naval style and is a blend of five , molasses - based , pure pot still rums from jamaica and guyana 這款極品朗姆酒有皇家海軍朗姆酒風格,用5種牙買加和圭亞那出產的蜜糖漿和罐餾器蒸餾的朗姆酒勾兌而成,它叫什么名字?

Boston is often known as beantown due to the strange habit of making baked beans with molasses ! here are some other famous boston foods 波士頓人喜歡把烤的豆子和糖漿混在一起吃,所以波士頓常以“豆鄉”而聞名。這里有其他一些出名的波士頓的食物。

It makes yogurt , fortified with nutrients that poor toddlers often lack , and sweetened with the date molasses the bangladeshi palate demands 它所生產的酸奶不僅添加了蹣跚學步的窮孩子經常缺乏的營養物質,而且還有孟加拉人酷愛的棗椰蜜。

Aguardiente is distilled from sugar cane or molasses , occasionally made from grapes and typically bottled without aging or rectification 這是一種從蔗糖或蜜糖漿中蒸餾的酒,有時也使用葡萄蒸餾獲得,不需要熟化和過濾即可裝瓶上市。

When is a muscle - bound austrian megahunk with an accent thicker than a gallon jug of molasses as american as baseball and apple pie 一個肌肉發達、帶有濃重口音的奧地利壯漢何時會像棒球和蘋果派一樣成為美國的象征呢?

Fermentative bio - hydrogen may produce continuously hydrogen by molasses , it may not only callback garbage but also produce energy 摘要利用甜菜制糖廢蜜、廢水作為底物進行連續流生物制氫,既可回收廢物又能生產能源。

L - aspartic acid is a non - essential , acidic , genetically coded amino acid . found especially in young sugar cane and sugar - beet molasses 天冬氨酸是一種非必需的酸性氨基酸,尤指從小的甘蔗和甜菜的糖蜜中提取的。

Offers organic sugars and blackstrap molasses . includes a company profile , descriptions of products , recipes , faqs and a store locator -主要生產蜂王漿茶葉等系列天然保健品,品牌“寶生園” “生茂泰” 。

Butanol fuel can be manufactured from corn and molasses , has a high energy content and can be shipped through existing fuel pipelines 丁醇可以由玉米和糖蜜制出,其擁有較高的能量并能用現有管道進行輸送。

The current development of simulated , moving bed and fixed - bed modeling have given a new impetus to molasses desugarization by ion exclusion 模擬流動床及固定床的改進為離子排斥法提糖注入了活力。

In this paper , it will focus on expounding the main composition of molasses and its role on microbe in bio - hydrogen reaction 著重闡述了甜菜廢蜜中的主要成分及其在生物制氫反應中對微生物的作用。