
molar adj.磨的,適宜于[用來]磨的;臼齒的,臼齒附近的。n...


M meter molar 容積克分子的溶液

Molar mass average 摩爾質量平均

This model shows the morphological differences of the incisor , canine and molar teeth 本模型顯示切齒、尖齒、磨齒的不同形態。

Partial molar volume 偏摩爾體積

Molar gas constant 摩爾氣體常數

Molar volume of gas 氣體摩爾體積

Apparent molar mass 表觀摩爾質量

Understanding concepts of the molar volume of gas , then learning some easy exercises 理解氣體摩爾體積的概念,會做簡單的計算。

Partial molar quantity 偏摩爾數量

Standard molar entropy 標準摩爾熵

Molar rotatory power 克分子旋光度

Molar reaction enthalpy 摩爾反應焓

Critical molar volume 臨界摩爾體積

Mean molar heat capacity 平均摩爾熱容

Most of the lesion are on the molar region , body and ascending ramus 下頷骨的好發部位則依序為臼齒區域,下頷體部及枝部。

With molar pregnancy , the uterus is large for dates , but no fetus is present 葡萄胎時,子宮隨時間而變大,但沒有胎兒。

Molar at 32 broadway 百老匯32號發現臼齒

Limiting molar conductivity 極限摩爾電導率

Molar mass exclusion limit 摩爾質量排除極限