
mol MOL = manned orbiting labora...


It is found that the result ( - 14 . 59 kcal / mol ) agrees well with experimental data ( - 8 . 025 kcal / mol ) . the advantage and disadvantage of this methods are analyzed 模擬得到的結果是- 14 . 59kcal mol ,與實驗值- 8 . 025kcal mol接近,并分析了雙湮滅方法的優點和不足,并對該方法的改進提出了一些建議。

The results from the calculation indicate that this method could be applied well for the e of cement - based materials . the values of e vary between 40 kj / mol - 70kj / mol 比較結果表明:等轉化率法對于多組分體系的表觀反應活化能的計算比較武漢理工人學碩士學位論文適用于多組分水泥基材料各水化階段。

Stably uniform al2o3 sol and al2o3 composite sols with different mol ratios were prepared by two kinds of sol - gel process of abio - al2o3 hydrolysis process and metal tert - amylonides as chemical precursors 采用無機鹽水解和有機醇鹽水解兩種溶膠-凝膠法制備了均勻、穩定的al _ 2o _ 3溶膠及其復合溶膠。

Kno3 solutions ( 0 . 1 mol / l and 1 . 0 mol / l ) were used to dope carbon nanotubes . the results show that mwnts annealed in nitrogen adsorbed more hydrogen than those annealed in air 室溫下納米碳管吸附的氫氣不能完全脫附,說明納米碳管的吸氫方式包括物理吸附和化學吸附,其中化學吸附比較難于釋放。

As simulated photosynthetic radiation strengthened from 0 to 800 mol - m - 2s - 1 , the water use efficiency of vegetative and reproductive shoots had a trend of suddenly increasing 本研究認為, co 。濃度升高能夠促進c3光合途徑植物貝加爾針茅的初級生產,顯著提高水分利用效率,增強其生存競爭能力。

021 $ mol / dm3 - a on annual average , and the production rates of phosphate was about 0 . 0026 # 0 . 0018 in summer and aout 0 . 0034 # 0 . 0018 $ , mol / dm3 - a , and was about 0 . 0030 # 0 根據硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽再生速率,估算深層水中再生得硝酸鹽、磷酸鹽僅占總硝酸鹽和總磷酸鹽的3 . 45 %和4 . 40 % 。

Its activity was most when the concentration of naci was 0 . 1 mol / l . when the concentration of naci was above 0 . 1 mol / l , the activity of dnaase was declining along with the increasing of the co 4 ,最適溫度為41 ,可被mgy 、 h 》 、 mlly明顯的激活;低濃度的可提高該酶的活性。

It was found that 200 mol ppm ag doping in the pbte alloy can greatly improve the electrical conductivity at the whole temperature range , especially near room temperature 發現pbti合金摻雜200lolpplll的ag后,電導率在整個溫區均有明顯增大,尤其在室溫附近的熱電性能明顯提高。

6 feolde e , vigne p , frelin c . angiotensin receptor subtypes and biological responses in the rat heart . j mol cell cardiol , 1993 , 25 ( 11 ) : 1359 5田斌,高廣道,曹治平,等.血管緊張素刺激肥大心肌細胞和心肌成纖維細胞核酸蛋白質及膠原合成.中國病理生理雜志, 1995 , 11 ( 5 ) : 450

A minimum resistivity of 6 . 2 10 - 4 ? ? cm is obtained for the film doped with 1 . 5 mol % al . however , the resistivity increases with increase in al concentration 本論文概括了各種制備zno : al薄膜的方法和原理,并綜述了zno : al薄膜和zno基紫外光探測器的最新研究進展。

The levels of stimulation by 10 u mol / l meja in vitro also showed about 30 % increase of the enzyme activity 2hr after incubation of membrane vesicles with 離體實驗表明: 10nmol l的meja處理zhr對質膜h “ atpase的刺激作用最強,酶的水解活力增加約30 。

Chemical resistance of glass used in the production of laboratory glassware - method for determination of resistance of glass to attack by 6 mol l hydrochloric acid at 100 c 制作實驗室玻璃器皿用玻璃的耐化學腐蝕性.第5部分:玻璃耐100 6 mol l鹽酸腐蝕性

The study ealuated persons with eleated plasma total homocysteine ( 13 mol / l or more ) who could be expected to benefit from homocysteine - lowering folic acid 這項研究評價了具有提高了的質膜總高半胱氨酸的人群,他們被認為受益于高半胱氨酸降低的葉酸。

German container ship “ msc switzerland “ undocking from yiulian no . 3 drydock ( 0608 2005 ) singapore container ship “ mol vision “ being repaired alongside the berth of shekou yiulian ?希臘籍化學品船mt “ chembothnia ”順利完成特檢及所有貨艙特涂升級工程

It was identified and temporarily named as pseudomonas stutieri based on its morphological and physiological characteristics and g + c mol % of dna 對它的形態、生理生化及dnag + cmol進行研究比較,該菌株暫定為施氏假單胞菌( pseudomonas stutzeri ) 。

Gosden j , lawson d . rapid chromosome identification by oligonucleotideprimed in site dna synthesis ( prins ) [ j ] . hum mol genet , 1994 , 3 : 931 趙曉嵐,葉國玲,楚雍烈,等.產前篩查和基因多態性位點在唐氏綜合征產前診斷中的應用[ j ] .中國優生與遺傳雜志2003 , 11 ( 2 ) : 49

The molecular weight of sppms was in the range of 4x 104g / mol to 10 x 104g / mol , and the molecular weight distribution was from 1 . 6 to 6 . 0 P -甲基苯乙烯與苯乙烯共聚時, p -甲基苯乙烯共聚能力高于苯乙烯,二者傾向于無規共聚,仍為間規聚合物。

The kinetics of homogeneous precipitation was studied , the activation energy was about 100 . 19kj / mol , and reaction index was 1 . 42 經穩定態假設處理后,得到沉淀反應的表觀活化能為100 . 19kj mol ,硝酸鈷的反應級數為1 . 42 。

15 heinrich r , neel b g , rapoport t a . mathematical models of protein kinase signal transduction . mol . cell , 2002 , 9 : 957 - 970 這些結果有助于設計相關的生物實驗,進一步研究細胞的jak - stat信號通路的對外界影響的變化。