
mojave n.1.莫哈維人。2.莫哈維語。adj.莫哈維人的。


Late this past february , with less than three weeks remaining before the first ever long - distance race for robotic vehicles , william “ red ” whittaker left carnegie mellon university to spend a weekend in the mojave east of carson city , nev 今年2月下旬,距離有史以來第一場長程機器人車輛競賽還剩下不到三星期,美國卡內基美倫大學的紅惠塔克離開學校,到內華達州喀孫市東邊的莫哈未沙漠度周末。

After flying in space for 3 . 5 minutes on june 21 , 100 kilometers above the earth , spaceshipone landed safely at a runway in mojave desert in california , completing the world ' s first privately financed manned space flight 6月21日, “太空飛船一號“在距地面100公里的太空飛行了3 . 5分鐘后,安全降落在加利福尼亞莫哈韋沙漠的一個機場跑道上,完成了世界第一次由私人資助的載人太空飛行。

The pine tree project has completed extensive environmental impact studies to monitor and protect threatened and endangered species including the desert tortoise and the mojave ground squirrel 松樹項目已經完成了廣泛的環境影響研究,以監測和保護可能受到威脅和危險的生物物種,包括沙漠龜和莫哈韋地面松鼠等。

Los angeles - las vegas - st . george leave los angeles via san bernardino forest and through mojave desert . in the afternoon arrive las vegas and continue to st . gorge , utah 下午進入內華達州,抵達全世界知名的賭城-拉斯維加斯市內觀光及試試您的手氣后,于傍晚抵達猶他州的圣喬治鎮。

Los angeles - las vegas - kanab leave los angeles via san bernardino forest and through mojave desert . in the afternoon arrive las vegas and continue to st . gorge , utah 下午進入內華達州,抵達全世界知名的賭城-拉斯維加斯市內觀光及試試您的手氣后,于傍晚抵達猶他州的圣喬治鎮。

Los angeles - las vegas - st . george depart los angeles in the morning . drive past the san bernardino forest and through the mojave desert into the state of nevada 早上出發,沿著圣伯那丁諾森林,進入莫哈比大沙漠,翠綠的約書亞樹,點綴在一望無邊的黃沙中,別有一番情趣。

Depart los angeles in the morning . drive past the san bernardino forest and through the mojave desert . our first stop is at calico - the ghost town 早上出發,沿著圣伯納丁諾森林,進入北美最大的莫哈維沙漠,翠綠的約書亞樹,點綴在一望無際的黃沙中,別有一番情趣。

Edwards air force base in california ' s mojave desert was the next choice , followed by the white sands missile range in new mexico , the absolute last resort 位于加利福尼亞州莫哈韋沙漠的愛德華茲空軍基地是次選,新墨西哥州的白沙導彈靶場則是最后一步棋。

Start the tour following the route of san bernardino mountain and enter to mojave desert to the state of nevada . after lunch , tour at 早上出發,沿著圣伯那丁諾森林,進入莫哈比大沙漠,翠綠的約書亞樹,點綴在一望無邊的黃沙中,別有一番情趣。

Yesterday , in the mojave desert , they put their theory to the test using a nylon kite , three pulleys and an obelisk that weighs nearly four tons 昨天,在莫家烏沙漠,他們用一只尼龍風箏、三個滑輪組和一個近4噸重的方尖石來檢驗他們的理論。

Offering windy and hilly conditions , the site includes a section of the mojave desert and the southern edge of the sierra nevada mountain range 具備多風多山條件的該項目地點包括莫哈韋沙漠的一部分,以及內華達山脈的南端。

My daughter , carol , her husband , tim , and their family were traveling here this summer and they were just entering the mojave desert when they got lost 添和嘉露,我女兒嘉露和女婿添,不久之前他們離開這里,他們想去

And increasingly , he is moving the design process to america , too , including a planned test track in the mojave desert 但他正在逐漸把設計工作轉到美國,包括計劃在美國莫哈韋沙漠修建的汽車試驗場。

Description - focuses on the natural history of southern nevada and the mojave desert . traveling exhibits also are featured 展出內華達南部的自然歷史和莫哈韋沙漠,具辦世界上抗干旱的植物展覽。

Earlier in march , an unusual race was held in the mojave desert of southern california 今年3月份,在美國加利福尼亞南部的莫哈維沙漠舉行了一次不同尋常的比賽。

Bay area - barstow - needles today you will head towards the city in mojave desert , california - barstow 舊金山灣區-巴士多barstow -尼多市needles

Bay area - barstow - needles today you will head towards the city in mojave desert , california barstow 舊金山灣區-巴士多barstow -尼多市needles

Stop by lenwood factory outlet stores located in the heart of the mojave desert 公司保留改變行程之權力,以利團體之進行

D . the biggest desert of america is mojave desert of cali - fornia state 美國最大的沙漠是加利福尼亞洲的莫哈韋沙漠。