
moisturize vt.(-ized; -izing) 給(皮膚、空氣等)...


This gentle relaxing formula soothes and freshens in readiness for moisturizing . leaves skin refreshed , refined and radiant 以滋養的植物精華,提升肌膚水份,避免乾燥,令肌膚飽滿緊致

Common agents for the treatment of senile xerosis are moisturizing ointments or ointments containing steroids and urea 治療老年性干燥癥的常用制劑有:保濕軟膏、激素軟膏和尿素軟膏。

Made of silk peptide and rare chinese herbs . it can be absorbed quickly and have good moisturizing effect on skin 由蠶絲提取成份絲素肽及各種名貴草藥,潤膚劑等多種成份精制而成。

Ensure a deep dark tan , moisturizing your skin with dark tanning oil made from mineral oil ; alcohol free 不含酒精,含豐富礦物油,令你擁有一身古銅色肌膚同時滋潤肌膚,免受傷害。

Efficacy : shea butter possesses the efficacy of protecting , nourishing , relieving , moisturizing and softening skin 功效:乳木果油為肌膚帶來保護、滋養、舒緩、保濕及柔膚功效。

Moreover , natural moisturizing ingredients and herbal essence have been elaborately added to fit for every type of skin 更為您精心添加天然潤膚成分及草本精華,適合各類肌膚。

Main ingredients : grape vine , moisturizing shining cells , bone collagen , elastin , anti - static cells and etc 主要成分:葡萄藤、保濕閃亮因子、骨膠原素、彈力素、防靜電因子等。

I ' ll buy the moisturizing lotion and cleansing gel first . if they suit me , i ' ll come back for the others later 我先買水分乳霜及潔面赭喱,若我認為合適,再回來補購其他產品。

S : yes , sure . this line of products is fragrance - free . we have facial mask , moisturizing lotion and eye - cream 當然有,這系列的產品都是無香味的,包括面膜、水分乳霜及眼霜。

Yes , sure . this line of products is fragrance - free . we have facial mask , moisturizing lotion and eye - cream 當然有,這系列的產品都是無香味的,包括面膜、水分乳霜及眼霜。

Bathing - a daily bath helps to moisturize the skin , using aqueous cream rather than ordinary soap 沐浴- -每天用含水的潤膚露而不要用普通肥皂洗澡,可以幫助皮膚增加水分。

Ingredients : olive leaves extract , cereus essence , provitamin b5 , protease , moisturizing factor etc 成份:橄欖葉萃取精華、仙人掌精華素、維他命原b5 、蛋白酶、保濕劑等。

That is called alcohol - based hand sanitizer . it is only good for cleansing of the hand , not for moisturizing 會不會是市面上賣的那種透明的,免洗手的,那個涂手的東西。

Efficacy : surprising fresh texture moisturizes and softens hand skin with delicate fragrance 功效:令人驚喜的清爽輕盈質地,保濕并柔嫩雙手肌膚,并帶著細致的香味。

Main ingredients : aloe , wheat embryo oil , oat , ha moisturizing cells , aqualane , fibroin and etc 主要成分:蘆薈、麥胚芽油、燕麥、 ha保濕因子、角鯊油、蠶絲蛋白等。

For better effect , it ' s preferable to apply this product together with baobab moisturizing factor toner 最好配合“生命之樹”保濕水因子爽膚水使用,效果更加明顯。

In the coming month , his belly will begin to secrete a kind of liquid that moisturizes the fertilized eggs 在未來的一個月里,它的腹部會滲出液體,滋潤受精卵子。

This daily body wash cleanses and moisturizes for visibly healthier skin every time you shower 每次使用此日常保濕沐浴液后,可明顯感覺到肌膚爽潔滋潤,健康亮麗。

Skin lotions can be used to moisturize your skin , conditioning it and making it more clear and beautiful 洗面奶可以滋潤皮膚,起到護理和使它變得更清潔和美麗。