
moisture n.濕氣,水分,潮濕;濕度;(空氣中的)水蒸氣;淚。

moisture equivalent

The ysfl series oil moisture leaves the oil filter Flyc防爆型移動式高精度濾油車

Gravimetric method for the determination of moisture content 重量法測定水分含量

Both ion diffusion and transport of ions to the root surface by mass flow appear to be dependent on soil moisture content . 離子擴散和通過質體流動把離子運送到根表面,看來似乎都取決于土壤的含水量。

Moisture increases the fading rate, while chemical fumes will change the color balance and eventually ruin the dye images . 潮濕會加速褪色,而化學氣味則會導致彩色平衡的改變,甚至損壞染料影象。

When diffusion controls, the moisture fraction decreases in a complex but close to exponential manner with time . 當擴散控制時,濕含量遵循著復雜的但接近于指數關系的形式而隨時間降低。

The really governing conditions of life do not graduate away quite insensibly like heat or moisture . 真正支配生活的條件,不是象溫度或濕度那樣地于完全不知不覺中逐漸消失。

The portable instrument must combine sensitivity with light weight and the ability to resist shock and moisture . 可攜式儀器應綜合下列性能:足夠靈敏,重量輕,防震,防潮。

If fuse is stored in such a way that it is damaged by moisture or in other ways, its burning time can change . 導火線如貯存于潮濕的,或其它不利條件下,其燃燒速度會改變。

But towards six the storm abated, and a drier breeze shook the moisture from the grass bents . 但是快到六點鐘的時候,風雨停息了,一陣較為干燥的輕風吹拂掉草莖上的水氣。

It is practically impossible to remove all the moisture from a sample without deterioration of the product . 要去除樣品的全部水分而又不損壞產品,實際上是不可能的。

Many hydrophilic minerals in equilibrium with atmosphere moisture are covered with a layer of water . 很多親水無機物在與大氣中的濕氣平衡時,即被一層水所覆蓋。

In this way, farmers have enough moisture to produce a grain crop in each strip every other year . 這種方法使農民每隔一年在每塊條田中有足夠的水分去生產谷物。

Crop cultivation has been concentrated increasingly on soils with the most favorable moisture characteristics . 作物種植日益集中在水分條件最有利的土壤上。

With the aid of a film of moisture between them, the lung pleura adheres tightly to the cavity pleura . 肺胸膜與胸腔胸膜借助于它們之間的水膜緊緊貼連。

The unsaturated equations may be written with moisture content and potential as the dependent variables . 可以把含水量和勢作為應變量來寫非飽和方程。

Germination of the seed will be reduced if wet grain is frozen before the moisture is removed . 如果潮濕谷物在未干之前受凍,則會降低種子的發芽率。

The surfaces to be bonded must be completely free of oil, loose dirt or scale, and moisture . 結合表面必須完全沒有油脂,遺留的灰塵,鐵銹和潮氣。

It was the tail end of monsoon season, and the air was heavy and sticky with tropic moisture . 正當季風雨季的最后幾天,熱帶的濕潮空氣又悶又粘。

Contour planning with or without terracing is effective in conserving both soil and moisture . 等高栽植,無論做或不做梯田對于保持水土都能有效。