
moisten vt.,vi.濡濕,弄濕;變濕。 be moistene...


Soft breads , cakes , biscuits well - moistened in milk , soup or juice , congee , oatmeal , soft rice 軟身的面包蛋糕浸軟的餅乾粉面粥麥皮軟而較濕的飯等。

Only air going through the nose is cleaned , warmed and moistened before it reaches your lungs 只有通過鼻子呼吸的空氣,在到達肺部時是清潔溫暖和濕潤的。

Clean the speaker cabinets with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution or water 請用軟布輕蘸溫和的洗滌劑溶液或清水擦拭機殼。

Jialong hair scale repairing farad oil series bring to your hair effect unprecedented moistening . hair scale 嘉發拉油系列帶給您前所未有的潤發效果。

Three times hot water , including moistening and playing with ears , with the ends of my wet thumbs 三次是用熱水,包括把臉打濕,用濕指頭涮下耳朵

We sincerely wish her growing up strong and sturdy , moistened by rain and dew from our motherland 我們真誠的祝愿她在祖國雨露的滋潤下茁壯成長。

Our beloved teacher , you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts 教師節祝福語1 :親愛的老師,您就象那春天的細雨,滋潤著我們的心田。

Can repair and moisten sunburnt skin , reducing redness and avoiding the skin peeling 有效的修復并滋潤曬后皮膚,令紅色減淡,防止曬后脫皮。

Study on constitutive relation of loess moistening deformation based on secant - modulus method 基于割線模量法的黃土增濕變形本構關系研究

You might find it easier to insert if you moisten the suppository with water before inserting it 將栓劑用水潤濕后使用起來會比較容易。

Our beloved teacher , you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts 親愛的老師,您就象那春天的細雨,滋潤著我們的心田。

Our beloved teacher , you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts 親愛的老師,你就像春天的細雨,滋潤著我們的心扉。

Her eyes moistened slightly 她的眼睛濕潤了。

Touched his sense moistened remembered . hidden under wild ferns on howth 觸到他那潤濕了的感官,使他回憶起來了。

Circle the round sport circle the round way moisten my life of my heart 圓圓的運動圓圓的道滋潤我的心我的人生。

Illary vessel ; level thiny wrinkles , crow is feet ; moisten and beautify skin 美白祛斑,祛紅血絲,治療敏感性肌膚,

[ kjv ] his breasts are full of milk , and his bones are moistened with marrow 他的奶桶充滿鮮奶,他的骨髓滋潤。

She moistened a tissue and gently wiped the dust off the necklace 她沾濕了一塊紙巾,輕輕擦去項鏈上的灰塵。

Also , it moistens your soul 春雨,同樣潤濕著心靈。