
moira n.【希臘神話】命運。


Pablo inza and moira castellano from argentina will also be demonstrating the authentic argentinian tango ?卡斯泰爾蘭努則會表演最正統的阿根廷探戈。

Barmaid in jury s . or the moira , was it ? they passed under the hugecloaked liberator s form 他們從那位披著八斗篷的解放者46的銅像下面經過。

Somewhere here lord edward fitzgerald escaped from major sirr . stables behind moira house 莫伊拉邸第后面的馬廄144 。

“ i ' m so sorry , “ said wendy moira angela “真可惜。 ”溫迪?莫伊拉?安琪拉說。