
moil vi.勞動,辛辛苦苦做工。n.辛苦,苦工;混亂;麻煩。 ...


This text starting from the concept and characteristic of bank intensive administration , it expounds the advantages and disadvantages in intensive and extensive administration and puts forward a thought in a style of intensive administration in accordance with the present style of extensive administration used in chinese banks which are high input , high consumption , low quality and low output . in the style of intensive administration , the bank will teamster the sources of nwu finance > capital from the low parotid area , net dots , business category , service objects . by the way of continuous , moiling source distribution scientifically and efficiently , with the help of scientific administration and modern scientific and technological method , it can improve pre personal profit and add to the whole profits at last 本文從銀行集約化管理的概念及特征入手,闡明了粗放型管理與集約型管理的利弊,針對我國目前銀行高投入、高消耗、低質量,低產出的粗放型管理方式,提出采取集約化管理方式的思路,銀行將人力、財力、資金等資源,從效益低的區域、網點、業務種類、服務對象進行轉移,使資源在不斷流動的過程中得到優化配置,再輔之以科學管理和現代科技手段,提高人均效益,最終增加總的效益。

Is located in changshu , a famous historic and cultural city in jiangsu prov . prc . it started from producing beddings in special , and after 30 years of toil and moil , has established the first famous brand in chinese home textile industry 江蘇夢蘭集團坐落于國家歷史文化名城常熟市,主體產業床上用品從1972年8根繡花針起家,到如今創出位居全國家紡行業榜首的中國最具影響力和最具價值品牌,走過了30多年的奮斗歷程。

So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city , when it is brought within the circle of the “ rounder “ and the roue , even though it be at the outermost rim , they can come forth and use their alluring arts 所以那些少女們流落到大城市時,一旦落入了這些浪子和登徒子之流的圈套,即使只是碰到了圈套的最邊緣,他們也會走上前來,施展勾搭引誘的花招。

So , it is a new topic for the moil education and school management in the university to help the college student to make clear of true or false and improve their ability of judgement and self - education 因此,幫助大學生們明辨是非,提高道德判斷力和自我教育能力,是當前高校德育和學生管理工作面臨的新的課題。

I shall have to toil and moil all my days . 我必須一年到頭拼命地干。