
moiety n.【法律】(財產等的)一半;二分之一;一部分。 onl...


A further old distinction is that of two year moieties , the uttarayana ( “ northern course “ ) , when the sun has passed the spring equinox and rises every morning farther north , and the daksinayana ( “ southern course “ ) , when it has passed the autumnal equinox and rises progressively farther south 更加古老的劃分是一年分成二等分:烏塔拉雅拿( “北回歸線” ) ,太陽經過了春分點之后,每天早上都會在更加往北的方向升起來;達西拿雅拿( “南回歸線” ) ,太陽經過了秋分點之后,每天都不斷地在往南的方向升起來。

In this paper , a new amphiphilic molecule ( n , n - dimethylferrocenylmethylhexad - ecylammonium bromide , fc16ab ) with fc moiety as the head group was synthesized and characterized by ft - ir , h1nmr , esms etc . the studies about electron level structure and surface activity of fci & ab are carried in detail at first 接著對其電子能級結構,以及表面性質作了研究,表明fc _ ( 16 ) ab是一種具有潛在應用價值的光電功能成膜分子。然后以這種功能分子為主,研究其單分子膜物理化學特性,以及構筑超薄有序膜的方法。

By recognizing and binding to certain carbohydrate moieties on various pathogens , it can promote the killing of microbes either by acting directly as an opsonin or by activating the lectin complement pathway . however , the function of mbl depends on a certain of levels of serum mbl . mbl deficiency and low levels of serum mbl are the basis for a common opsonic deficiency and are associated with recurrent infections and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis 然而, mbl功能的發揮有賴于其一定的血清濃度, mbl缺乏或血清濃度過低是引起調理吞噬缺損的根本原因,可增加機體對各種病原微生物的易感性而導致機體反復感染,并且與自身免疫性疾病如系統性紅斑狼瘡( systemiclupuserythematosus , sle ) 、類風濕性關節炎( rheumatoidarthritis , ra )的發生、發展有關。

Four chapters are comprised in this thesis : chapterl : gives the outline of organic - inorganic hybrid materiais area . thrugh investigation and generalization , we know that polyoxometalate - based orgaic - inorganic hybrid materials , which have so various smictures as to design and tailer molecules easily , have both functional properties of orsanic moieties and therml stabilization of inorganic moieties 論文共分四章:第一章通過大量的文獻調研,總結發現有機-無機雜化多金屬氧酸鹽綜合了有機的功能性和無機的熱穩定性于一體,具有結構多樣性,便于分子設計與剪裁。

Based on the analysis and summary of related literature , three organic and polymer electroluminescence ( el ) materials have been synthesized . one copolymer consists of polyvinylcarbazole moiety , which can form high quality thin films with excellent hole - transporting function and binaphthyl moiety , which emits blue fluorescence 其中,一個共聚高分子為分子中含有典型的空穴傳輸功能的乙烯基咔唑基團和有較好發光效率并能發藍光的聯萘基的非共軛聚合物( dmbn - vcz ) 。

The results demonstrated that the orientation of fc moiety within fc16ab monolayer changed and the angle between the interface and cyclopentadienyl ring from 70 to the cyclopentadienyl ring parallel to the air / water interface . the compressibility of fc16ab monolayer increased with the concentration of cl - increasing on the subphase containing counterions . the compressibility of fc16ab monolayer and the angle of fc contacting the water surface increased with the concentration of cl “ increasing 山70改變至茂環平面和氣液界面幾乎平行;在含抗衡離子的亞相上,我們發現cl ~ -能改善fc _ ( 16 ) ab單分子膜的剛性,且隨著cl ~ -的濃度增加,單分子膜的剛性也有增加的趨勢,但增加的趨勢逐近減弱。

We discovery monopoly rootstock of electricity vocation is administration monopoly through analysis , it find expression in natural monopoly and vertical integration monopoly and unity unit monopoly and so on ; electricity management system being many problem as well , it do not disengage to put to use electricity price space attacting invest evermore , quantity invest do not bring out high producing , employee divide more moiety profit 通過分析發現,電力行業壟斷的根源是行政壟斷,其表現在自然壟斷、垂直一體化壟斷和獨家壟斷等多個方面;電力管理體制也存在諸多問題,始終沒有脫離利用電價空間吸引投資的窠臼;電力的大量投資并沒有帶來高額產生,利潤的很大一部分被行業內職工瓜分掉了。

She admired : a natural phenomenon having been explained by him not for her she expressed the immediate desire to possess without gradual acquisition a fraction of his science , the moiety , the quarter , a thousandth part 她欽佩他。當他為了她149而對自然現象做了說明時,她立即表示一種期望:不經過逐漸掌握就獲得他那科學知識的一鱗半爪,二分之一,四分之一,千分之一。

A novel calix [ 4 ] arene - based fluorescent chemosensor bearing 2 - aminopyridine moiety and naphthalenic fluorphore was synthesized , and the chemical structure of the product was identified by ft - ir , ms - fab , nmr and elemental analyses 摘要以杯[ 4 ]芳烴為平臺、氨基吡啶基團為識別位點、蔡環為熒光基團,合成了一類新型熒光化學傳感器。

The results of experiments show that the most efficient tpa materials seem to be the ones with various electron - donor ( d ) and electron - acceptor ( a ) moieties attached symmetrically or asymmetrically to a center 實驗結果顯示,最有效的雙光子吸收材料是由電子給體和電子受體對稱或反對稱的與一個中心結合而成的系統。

Most of genes responsible for the biosynthesis of antibiotic fr - 008 had been cloned ( hu et al , 1995 ) , but that for the sugar moiety and potential regulator ( s ) are still unknown 負責抗生素fro - 008合成的多數基因已經被克隆( hu等, 1994 ) ,但是目前還沒有定位糖基合成基因以及與抗生素生物合成調節有關的基因。

Fr - 008 is a strain producing a complex of heptaene macrolide antifungal antibiotics , one of which , previously named fr - 008 was regarded to bis similar to candicidin , but different in sugar moiety Hplc分析研究表明,它與灰色鏈霉菌imru3570產生的殺假絲菌素是同一種物質,均含有相同的幾種主要組分。

In this artical , the novel cellulose derivatives named combined liquid crystals with mesogenic moieties were reviewed based on the latest literature abroad 摘要主要介紹新型纖維素衍生物液晶主側鏈復合型液晶高分子的研究進展。

The lack of the sugar moiety could cause changes in the structure of the active site of the enzyme resulting in the observed modifications of the kms 去除糖基會使葡萄糖氧化酵素的活化位構造改變,因而產生所觀察到的km值變化。

Dried milk , dried ice - mixes and processed cheese - determination of lactose content - enzymatic method utilizing the glucose moiety of the lactose 奶粉干冰混合物和加工的奶酪.乳糖含量的測定.利用乳糖中葡萄糖含量的酶催化方法

Dried milk , dried ice - mixes and processed cheese - determination of lactose content - enzymatic method utilizing the galactose moiety of the lactose 奶粉干冰混合物和加工的奶酪.測定乳糖含量.利用乳糖中半乳糖含量的酶催化方法

We shall gladly join with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool , to be shipped in moieties by two different vessels , to sail about a month apart 我們很樂意協同貴公司采購100包羊毛,分兩條船裝運,中間相隔約一個月。

I generally contrived to reserve a moiety of this bounteous repast for myself ; but the remainder i was invariably obliged to part with 通常我只能把這美餐的一部分留給自己,其余的便總是不得不分給別人。

She dropped the sentence where it was . tom divided the cake and becky ate with good appetite , while tom nibbled at his moiety 貝基大口大口地吃著,湯姆自己卻一點一點地嘗著他那份。