
moi pron.〔法語〕 我,我本人〔帶有幽默或自我貶低的用法...


Once the recombinant virus has been i - dentified , we amplified the p - 1 stock to attain the large scale , high - titer viral stock in order to initiate expression studies . the recombinant angiostatin was produced from spodoptera frugiperda 9 ( sf9 ) insect cells infected by the high titer virus stock we have prepared . the time course for expression of recombinant protein was detected by sds - page and western blot , which can determine the optimal multiplicity of infection ( moi ) and the appropriate time of harvest for the protein 表達重組蛋白angiostatin :用制備好的帶有矗s標記的融合性angiostatin基因的高滴度重組桿狀病毒貯存液感染草地貪夜蛾sfg細胞,用sds page電泳和hsternblot對感染不同時間后分泌的重組蛋白做時間表達分析,依此確定最適的感染復數( moi )和感染時間,以達到重組蛋白表達水平最適化,而后大規模進行重組蛋白的表達, sds page用來分析重組蛋白, westernblot用來在蛋白表達水平低的情況下檢測表達的特異重組蛋白。

Taiwan s only non - chinese minority group consists of the aboriginal descendants of malayo - polynesians already established in taiwan when the first chinese settlers arrived . according to moi statistics , there are 357 , 000 aborigines . more than 70 percent are christian while the dominant han chinese group is largely buddhist or taoist 第四,我們大力推展人道主義,使它以及在許多情況下隨之而來的艱鉅且吃力不討好的建國工作,不但成為我們自己所接受的,也是其他政府及國際組織所接受的外交政策要素。

The conscription examination committee shall depending on the results and the status of the physical examination of the draftees respectively produce and submit statistical charts by height , weight , disease if any , and the draftees completed with the examination to the local government for compilation before reporting the same to moi and mod 徵兵檢查委員會應依體檢結果及體檢狀況,分別制成役男身高、體重、疾病及徵兵檢查人數統計表,送直轄市、縣(市)政府匯報內政部、國防部。

The group s market development efforts have resulted in the introduction of diffusion lines , including moi , which is an extension of moiselle and caters for the “ nine - to - five “ needs of young , fashion - conscious female professionals , imaroon , offering simple fashion and basic wear in timeless styles , as well as m . kids children s collection 集團銳意開拓新市場空間,陸續推出主攻簡約女性便服的imaroon 、型格上班系列moi及活潑可愛的m . kids童裝系列,現時在香港共開設34家店鋪。

In this work , effects of sfamnpv on mitochondrial and er in sl - 1 cells were studied . the main results were as follows : effect of sfamnpv ( moi = 6 ) on the function of mitochondrial in sl - 1 cells was investigated by mtt assay and membrane potential was assayed by both flow cytometry and confocal laser scanning microscope 完成的工作包括以下幾個方面: ( 1 )細胞內線粒體的變化通過mtt法研究病毒感染對細胞線粒體功能的影響,同時用流式細胞儀和共聚焦激光顯微鏡研究線粒體膜電位( m )的變化, western檢測2種凋亡調控蛋白cytoc和bcl - 2蛋白的變化。

In order to get the soluble recombinant eo protein and inspect the protein expression status convinently , the egfp and eo gene were ligated into baculovirus transfer vector . with the co - transfecting sf9 cells of baculovirus recombinant transfer vector and linearized viral dna , and plaque purification in the posttransfection procedure , the pure recombinant baculovirus were harvested , which infected the sf9 cells for amplifying to generate a p - l stock . . in the meantime , the fluorescence microscopy detection indicated expressed egfp protein to confirm the heterogenous protein expression of recombinant baculovirus . the pi - stock from a pure plaque was used to generate a high liter p - 2 stock , which was determined in liter as 1 . 14 107pfu / ml by performing a plaque assay . when a volume of p - 2 stock infected the sf9 cells with moi 5 - 10 for expression , the strong fluorescence was obeserved on the day 3 of postinfection 此外,為了得到可溶性重組eo蛋白并便于觀察重組蛋白的表達情況,我們將egfp基因與eo基因相連插入昆蟲桿狀病毒轉移載體中,與線性桿狀病毒dna共轉染sf9細胞后通過噬斑純化得到純的重組桿狀病毒,將其感染sf9細胞制備p1種子液,同時用熒光顯微鏡觀察綠色熒光蛋白的表達情況剔除表達效果差的重組桿狀病毒。再用p1種子液感染sf9細胞制備高效價的p2種子液。通過病毒液的梯度稀釋和噬斑測定,確定p2種子液的病毒滴度達1 . 14 10 ~ 7pfu ml 。

Article 34 moi , mod and national health department of executive yuan shall each year at a proper time jointly visit at the originator agency and unit of conscription operation at the local government , training bases , and contracted hospital for fact - finding about the handling of conscription activities 第34條內政部、國防部及行政院衛生署每年應于適當之時間,聯合訪問直轄市、縣(市)政府兵役業務專責機關、單位與訓練基地及特約醫院有關徵兵處理業務。

On the enhanced vector surveillance programme , a spokesman for the amsc said the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) would announce the details of 38 area ovitrap indices ( aoi ) and a monthly ovitrap index ( moi ) before end february 在加強傳病媒介監控計劃方面,委員會發言人表示,食物環境?生署(食環署)會于二月底前公布三十八個分區誘蚊產卵器指數及平均誘蚊產卵器指數的詳情。

On september 10 , 2003 , the canadian weekly magazine thoi moi and the monthly magazine tham my september edition , p . 72 presented reports on the flood relief activities in quebec conducted by the supreme master ching hai international association 加拿大thoi moi周刊2003年9月10日和tham my月刊2003年9月第72頁報導清海無上師對魁北克洪水災民的賑災活動。

Leveraging on its success , the group has been pursuing a consistent business strategy and creates its self - developed spin - off lines including moi , imaroon and m . kids with each distinctive line effectively serving its target market segments 集團憑藉所取得的優勢,堅持一貫的業務發展策略,并因應不同的目標市場開發了多個新品牌,包括moi 、 imaroon及m

Article 25 moi shall follow the conscription plan referred in article 24 hereof to prepare the conscription plan for each phase by month , and deliver the plan to each local government while keeping mod notified of the plan in writing 第25條內政部應依前條兵員徵集計畫,按月訂定各梯次徵集計畫,送達各直轄市、縣(市)政府,并副知國防部。

Moi may have a public announcement of extend the transportation of all or any part of the draftees of the same phase to the camp if any act of god or other incident that substantially affect the traffic and transportation 役男之輸送入營,遇有天然災害或其他影響交通運輸之情事時,內政部得公告延后當梯次之一部或全部役男徵集入營。

Back row from left to right : a friend of singer le uyen , poet phung minh tien , drummer pham duy minh , musician pham duy , song writer thu ho , writer van hoi moi , a friend of van hoi moi and actor joseph hieu 后排由左至右:歌星黎鴛的朋友詩人馮明進鼓手范維明音樂家范維作詞家秋湖作家陳東方陳東方的朋友演員約瑟孝前排:歌星

Examination hospital : relates to a hospital appointed by ministry of interior ( moi ) jointly with national health department of executive yuan that may be contracted by the local government to perform physical examination 二檢查醫院:指經內政部會商行政院衛生署指定,得受直轄市、縣(市)政府委?辦理體格檢查之醫院。

On our way south , we stopped over in nha trang to distribute gifts to vo hong , a writer who made his name by writing a series of long and short novels befor 1975 - la boi , an tiem , van , thoi moi . . 接著我們來到南部,在去南部的路上,我們去探訪芽莊市,送禮物給作家武鴻,他是一個著名的短篇長篇小說作家。

The sucking mouse died on different time . senzhang strain had - higher moi than mdj - 01 strain in bhk - 21 cells . physicochemical tests results showed that they belonged to acid - unlabile enveloped viruses with rna 取接種mdj - 01株的鼠腦制作電鏡標本,進行形態學觀察,可見有包膜的直徑約40nm的球形病毒。

On top of the monthly publication of aois and moi , the amsc saw the need to go a step further to assess the severity of mosquito breeding at higher levels and inside flats 除了每月公布分區誘蚊產卵器指數及平均誘蚊產卵器指數外,委員會認為有需要進一步評估蚊子在較高樓層及室內滋生的嚴重程度。

Composition # 1 : traditions familiales : correction . corrigez votre composition ( voir feuille de corrections ) et remettez - moi votre premi re bauche ainsi que votre version finale 21作文一:家庭傳統:訂正。訂正您的作文(請看改正的那一頁) ,然后把草稿和修改好的作文一并交來。

This maximum perimeter weighting helps to square up the clubface , especially on off - center hits . it also increases the moi for added stability and a more solid feel 尤其在誤擊時,極大的周邊重量配置有助于控制桿面。同時也增加慣性力率moi來提升穩定性與更堅固的手感。