
mohism n.墨翟[墨子]的學說;墨家學說。


During the pre - qin , the various schools of thought and their exponents , confucius and mencius , laozi and zhuangzi , were pregnant with the quintessence of philanthropic thoughts such as benevolence of confucianism , accumulated - merit of taoism , universal love of mohism 先秦時期,孔孟、老莊等諸子學說體系里即孕育著慈善思想的精蘊,譬如儒家言“仁愛” ,道家言“積德” ,墨家言“兼愛” 。

As a founder of mohism in the spring and autumn and warring states periods , mocius is well known to many people , but as an outstanding ancient craftsman and military architect he has not enjoyed equal popularity with the celebrated architect lu ban 摘要作為墨家學派創始人的墨子是廣為人知的,但作為和公輸班(魯班)齊名的古代著名工匠和軍事建筑學家的墨子,則鮮為人知。

This paper compares zouyan with mohism in “ yingtong “ and concludes that the wu de zhong shi thoughts may be a result of reconstruction according to lv buwei ' s needs in late mohism 從《應同》篇與鄒衍、墨家之思想比較看, 《應同》篇的五德終始學說可能是后期墨家根據呂不韋需要所改造的結果,講五德終始的在戰國后期也不止鄒衍一家。

This paper explores the beginning of the literariness and its background , connotation and value through the concentration of the literariness in the classical texts of confucianism , taoism and mohism 本文力圖從先秦儒道墨三家經典文本中對文學性的或正或反兩方面的關注入手來發掘這種文學性的初始肇端及其背景、內涵和價值意義。

A new perspective on the diversity of wu de zhong shi thoughts in late wartime period and the development of late mohism is offered to challenge the existing model of thinking on these issues 這使得我們有必要對五德終始說在戰國后期發展的多向性問題以及后期墨家的思想發展性問題做出新的認識。

Mo - tzu the founder of mohism , who emphasized universal love and peace in ancient china called society a terrible dyeing vat . even saints will be contaminated if they come here 墨子有講,社會是很恐怖的大染缸,即使佛菩薩來這里,也會被染!

The concepts of quot; righteousness quot; and quot; benefits quot; in ideologies of pre - qin confucianism , mohism , legalism and in socialism 論先秦儒家義利觀及其現代啟示

Partly hidden and partly visible : the formation of literariness and the pre - qin confucianism , taoism and mohism 文學性生成與先秦儒道墨三家

An influence of reference to mozi written by sun yi - rang on the renaissance of mohism and its vigorous growth 墨子兼愛辯及墨子悲辛論

Hou wailu and mohism 侯外廬的墨學研究

Study on the revival of modern mohism from the view of chinese socialist ideas history 社會主義思想史視角下的近代墨學復興

Enlightenment from the quot; fraternity quot; thought of mohism to the present ideological work 思想對當前德育工作的啟示

Liang qi - chao and mohism 梁啟超與墨學

Liu zongyuan and mohism 柳宗元的墨學觀

Contextual viewpoint of mohism 墨家的語境觀

The mohism renaissance during modern times and the confucianism during the late qing dynasty 近代墨學復興與晚清儒學

Psychological thoughts of hr management in mohism amp; its modern significance 墨家人力資源管理心理思想及其現代意義

Psychological thoughts of hr management in mohism amp; amp; its modern significance 先秦儒家民本思想的生態學價值

On the logical category of mohism 邏輯范疇體系下