
mohawk n.(紐約州中部的)印第安莫霍克族;莫霍克語;【溜冰】莫...


She is a graduate of the mohawk college of applied arts and technology in canada . she is a fellow of life management institute . paul tang has been promoted to district manager of paul tang s district in hong kong 麥氏于加拿大蒙哈克應用藝術及科技學院mohawk college of applied arts and technology畢業,現為美國壽險內勤經營協會會員。

Although , to the mohawks , creating this haircut was itself part of an important ritual ( each hair was plucked out ) , it became fashionable with the punks of the late seventies 雖然對于莫霍克族人來說,梳理這種發型本身只是一個重要宗教儀式的組成部分(每根頭發都是被拔掉的) ,但它卻于( 20世紀) 70年代末在朋克人群當中流行開來。

Think about that the next time you see a male lion s mane at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked mohawk hairstyle at the mall ! some people call humans “ naked apes . “ that ' s not entirely accurate , though 當你下次在動物園看到一只雄性的獅子長長的鬃毛,或是在商業街看到一個留著莫霍克族麥穗頭型的十幾歲少年時,你就會明白了。

The boston tea party : a crowd of colonists disguised as mohawk indians dumps 342 crates of tea into boston harbor as a protest against the british tea tax 1773年的今天,波士頓傾茶事件:一群人打扮成莫西干印第安人的的殖民地居民將342箱茶葉倒入波士頓港,作為對英國茶葉稅的抗議(最終導致美國獨立戰爭的打響) 。

There were 11 participants from 7 current distributors and 3 future distributors ( all 3 future distributors have become mohawk ' s territory distributor after the workshop ) 參加培訓的11名學員有7個大寶經銷商和3個感興趣的經銷商(這三家感興趣的經銷商都在培訓結束后成為了莫霍克的區域經銷商) 。

The response from all that attended was very positive and all felt as if this training would be very beneficial in promoting mohawk products to their customers 最讓我們感到欣慰的是大家踴躍的練習使用各種產品,因為他們堅信這次培訓能對莫霍克產品的推廣起到非常積極的作用。

This 5 day training event covered all aspects of wood touch up and repair that will benefit the distributors in promoting and selling the mohawk line of products 在5天的培訓中,主要培訓了各種木器修補技術,從而達到進一步推動莫霍克銷售的目的。

“ in life , there are tough choices . you may not like the budget you end up with , but it is only insufficient if you overcommit , “ says mohawk ' s riley 生活中總是有很多艱難的選擇,你也許對最終的預算不滿意,但是只有你過度使用的時候預算才會不足

The first and second days covered general introduction and demonstration of the products utilizing the mohawk wood training dvd 在培訓的前兩天,通過播放莫霍克木器修補dvd以及帶領學員全面了解和示范了莫霍克專業木器修補技術。

Police investigate a two - car accident on the crescent bridge over the mohawk river in colonie , n . y . the drivers of both cars were seriously injured 在紐約州科勒尼市莫霍克河上的新月橋上發生了一起嚴重的交通事故。

Sales department 6 mohawk held a 5 days ' training workshop for distributors in their training facility at taiho dalingshan on mar 19 3月19日,業務六部莫霍克在東莞大寶培訓中心舉辦了為期5天的經銷商培訓。

Another popular state for leaf peepers is massachusetts , where the mohawk trail is one of the more visited destinations 賞葉人喜歡去的另一州是麻薩諸塞州,莫霍克小徑是游客較常走訪的地方之一。

The last day was spent reviewing and using the mohawk professional leather line of products 在培訓的最后一天,我們給學員全面回顧了木器修補技術,并進行了莫霍克專業皮革修補產品的相關培訓。

The mohawk style originates from a tribe of native americans called the mohawk by white settlers 莫霍克發型起源于美洲的一個土著部族,該部族被白人殖民者稱為莫霍克族。

That ' s funny . mohawk 真好笑,莫霍克頭

Mapudungun chile mohawk mohawk 馬布切語智利

Mohawk mohawk nepali nepal 尼泊爾語(尼泊爾)

This is my mohawk friend , turk 這是我莫塞克兄弟,土耳其人

What ' s a mohawk ? - shut up , you idiot 什么是莫霍克頭? -閉嘴,你這個白癡