
mohammedan adj.穆罕默德的;伊斯蘭教的。n.伊斯蘭教徒,穆罕默德...


The supernatural is left almost untouched , and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a christian , a buddhist , or a mohammedan god 祖先的崇拜幾乎不和超自然的東西發生關系,所以它可以和基督教,佛教,或回回教關于上帝的信仰并行不悖。

If wu ci fastens mohammedan motion of kesitan , organize 如烏茲別克斯坦的伊斯蘭運動組織。

A pagan, too, with his multiplicity of gods, would think it odd that the christian and the mohammedan should disagree . 一個信奉多神的異教徒也會認為,基督徒和伊斯蘭教徒意見不一是古怪的。

While peng was resting, he called in the mohammedan peasants . 彭休息的時候,請回民老鄉進來。

The mohammedans stoutly resisted chinese absorption . 回民頑強地抵抗漢人的同化。